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New guy says hi

Article about: Hi I’m new to the forum and relatively new to the world of Militaria collecting. Main interest is third Reich items and history. I shall post some photos of my small, but growing collectio

  1. #1

    Default New guy says hi


    I’m new to the forum and relatively new to the world of Militaria collecting. Main interest is third Reich items and history. I shall post some photos of my small, but growing collection soon. Hoping to be a good contributor to the forum and looking forward to seeing others collections.

    Thankyou for allowing me to join the forum.

    Best Regards

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement New guy says hi
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  3. #2


    Welcome to the forum
    "Only a pimp in a cheap Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  4. #3


    Thanks shemp

  5. #4


    Hi Tinhatman.

    Welcome to the forum.

    Kind regards,


  6. #5


    Thankyou will. I’ll get some photos up soon of my small collection. Really great to have found the forum. There is so much information on here, it’s fantastic.

  7. #6


    No worries and we are glad to have you onboard.

    Just find the correct section of the forum for an item and start a new thread, that way members will be able to see some of your collection and help out with any questions etc.

    Here is a handy visual guide on how to upload your photos -

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Take care,


  8. #7


    Thanks Will. Posted some photo’s yesterday of my first party badge. You should be able to see the thread.

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