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Article about: Hi All, I've been a collector for a few years and mainly focus on wall eagles (although I have quite a few desk ones also!) - try to just focus on one item but often get distracted and end u

  1. #1

    Default new member

    Hi All,

    I've been a collector for a few years and mainly focus on wall eagles (although I have quite a few desk ones also!) - try to just focus on one item but often get distracted and end up buying things i say i won't! Anyhow keen to share and learn more esp on the various eagle styles out there.

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2
    MAP is offline


    Welcome Rhett.

    Distraction is just part of this hobby!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  4. #3


    Hope to see some of your treasures!!!
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

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