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Article about: Hello! I'm Swedish, and I'm here to learn more about ww2 stuff mainly, and how to determine whether it's original or fake and if it's original; the story behind the item where it was made et

  1. #1

    Cool New member here

    I'm Swedish, and I'm here to learn more about ww2 stuff mainly, and how to determine whether it's original or fake and if it's original; the story behind the item where it was made etc. any information regarding it is welcome.
    The whole ww2 thing is a revived interest of mine, and now I feel really excited about the idea of becoming a collector myself.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement New member here
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  3. #2


    Hey Nemara. Welcome to the War Relics Forum. There is a ton of great people around this forum who would love nothing more than to help you become a more knowledgeable collector. Proper manners on the forum are vital, especially if you are having a hard time and are needing the assistance of someone who posses a slight bit more knowledge than you. So, with that let us remember our please and thanks! it's only appropriate we act halfway decent on the forum.

    I hope you are having a great day so far, it's early in Texas USA right now

    Regards Caleb

  4. #3


    Hello Nordic brother!

    Welcome aboard..
    Enjoy it here.

  5. #4


    Welcome, my friend. Good to see other people from Scandinavia here!!
    Best wishes,

  6. #5
    RMD is offline


    Welcome Nemara!

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