New member here
I'm Swedish, and I'm here to learn more about ww2 stuff mainly, and how to determine whether it's original or fake and if it's original; the story behind the item where it was made etc. any information regarding it is welcome.
The whole ww2 thing is a revived interest of mine, and now I feel really excited about the idea of becoming a collector myself.
05-10-2019 10:49 AM
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Hey Nemara. Welcome to the War Relics Forum. There is a ton of great people around this forum who would love nothing more than to help you become a more knowledgeable collector. Proper manners on the forum are vital, especially if you are having a hard time and are needing the assistance of someone who posses a slight bit more knowledge than you. So, with that let us remember our please and thanks! it's only appropriate we act halfway decent on the forum.
I hope you are having a great day so far, it's early in Texas USA right now
Regards Caleb
Hello Nordic brother!
Welcome aboard..
Enjoy it here.
Welcome, my friend. Good to see other people from Scandinavia here!!
Best wishes,