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New Member - Looking for Member 'Uncle Paul' about WW2 POW's Poetry

Article about: Found the forum while searching for the name of a WW2 POW (Frank Stebbing) I knew this man when he was in the nursing home in the 80's and he gave me a book of poetry he wrote. I have found

  1. #1

    Default New Member - Looking for Member 'Uncle Paul' about WW2 POW's Poetry

    Found the forum while searching for the name of a WW2 POW (Frank Stebbing) I knew this man when he was in the nursing home in the 80's and he gave me a book of poetry he wrote. I have found his poetry is in different places online and I am really wishing that I ( as a teenager in the 80's) spent more time than I did visiting with him . He would tell me stories of his time as a POW and even at one point he recited poetry with Patton in his command tent. I found sketches and poems of his posted by Forum Member "Uncle Paul"

    I want to communicate with Uncle Paul about his items..

    In general I am a 'low grade' militaria collector of sorts.. Have been since childhood.. I have less money and especially available time than I have interest!! I'm not alone .. Nice forum .. Glad to have stumbled on it in my research.

    I am really wanting to do something special with Mr Stebbing's poetry that I have. It's definitely special.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement New Member - Looking for Member 'Uncle Paul' about WW2 POW's Poetry
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  3. #2


    Hi Woodsman Frank Stebbing is my great uncle and id love to find out more and share as much as i can.

  4. #3


    Chris, It looks like Woodsman's only activity on this forum was on 7/1/2018. I hope he checks the forum form time to time and sees your post. Maybe message him.

    Moderators, can you contact Woodsman and ask him to check back in with the forum so he can make contact with Chris.

    Chris, I wish you luck. Jim G.

  5. #4


    That is unfortunate but i hope he does see this i am piecing together his history as best i can. There is even an exhibit about him in a museum in Illinois which i reached out too for more info along with what is remaining of his extended family i have never met before.

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