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New member posting

Article about: Hello All, This is my first time posting here. My main collecting field is weapons but also have collected memorabilia and figured this site would be good for that area. My dad served in the

  1. #1

    Default New member posting

    Hello All,

    This is my first time posting here. My main collecting field is weapons but also have collected memorabilia and figured this site would be good for that area. My dad served in the 823rd TD battalion and that is what got me interested in the WW2. looking forward to learning from others and helping others where I can.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement New member posting
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  3. #2


    welcome aboard. a rely great site.

  4. #3


    Welcome to the forum! This site has a lot of great people, full of knowledge. Hope you enjoy it here!


  5. #4


    Welcome yoebuff. TD are allways welcome here.

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