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New User from Ireland

Article about: Hello all, My name is Gerard and I am a collector of German Polizei photo and paperwork material, Photograph Albums, photograph groups and singles, slides, award documents and personnel file

  1. #1

    Default New User from Ireland

    Hello all,

    My name is Gerard and I am a collector of German Polizei photo and paperwork material, Photograph Albums, photograph groups and singles, slides, award documents and personnel files/ID books & Feldpost (some of which are on display at )

    Been collecting for over 10 years now and transitioned from general German WW2 photo albums to being more focused on Polizei & related items.


  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement New User from Ireland
    Join Date

  3. #2



    Welcome to the Forum

  4. #3


    Welcome Gerard. Always helpful to focus your efforts. Looking forward to some posts! Neil

  5. #4


    Thanks for the welcomes ! Looking forward to learning lots here.

  6. #5


    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Hope you will enjoy it here.. and lots to read and learn from.
    I do also like the polizei uniforms and feel free to have a look here for my latest project
    Scary faces!

    Best regards
    Lt. Col

  7. #6


    Welcome to the forum you little shamrock . I’m a fellow Irish, only I share about 20 to 30 percent of the Irish DNA.

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