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Unbelievably, I have discovered my Great Grandfather's Book on here.

Article about: Hey all, I am Jake. I have through an incredible find, discovered this forum post by Kradman. It's from 2020, but I am the great grandso

  1. #1

    Post Unbelievably, I have discovered my Great Grandfather's Book on here.

    Hey all, I am Jake.

    I have through an incredible find, discovered this forum post by Kradman. Help needed with finding family of PTE WRIGHT JACK ARMY NO 5 5442603 POW 30516 OFLAG IXA / 4 DEUTSCHLAND KOMMANDO 1039

    It's from 2020, but I am the great grandson of PTE Jack Wright and would love to be able to contact the owner of the post and ask if there is any chance it is still in their possession. If not, then where it's next home was.

    My grandfather, Ray, sadly never knew much about his dad Jack who left home in Nottingham age 12 (born 1917) and travelled to Norfolk. My grandfather, therefore, knows almost nothing about his father's side of the family so I took to to see if I can fill in the blanks and I am absolutely stunned to have found this.

    If Kradman does stumble upon this, then please do reach out! We have the military records of Pte Jack that match the Army no' written in the book.

    Thank you,

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Unbelievably, I have discovered my Great Grandfather's Book on here.
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  3. #2


    Also, if anybody could help me contact the owner of that post above please do. I try to message them directly but am unable to and I am not sure why. I am not tech savvy and don't use forums regularly so apologies if I made a real pig's ear of it.

  4. #3


    Hello Jake.

    Welcome to the forum.

    Kind regards,


  5. #4


    Thank you, Willmore!

  6. #5


    I have sent kradman a message, so just hold tight and I am sure he will get in touch with you soon.

  7. #6


    That's really kind of you, thank you so much.

  8. #7


    Hi Jake
    I will ask but as this was a while he may have sold them ,

    regards Ian

  9. #8


    Hi Kradman,

    Any information would be great, even if your friend has sold them it would be good to know to who. Might be able to chase it down.


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