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anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

Article about: hi has anyone any info or saw this before? rzm marked on back with a D with a leaf going through it! thanks guys

  1. #1

    Default anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

    hi has anyone any info or saw this before?

    rzm marked on back with a D with a leaf going through it!

    thanks guys
    Attached Images Attached Images anyone ever saw this rzm marked  stick pin?  anyone ever saw this rzm marked  stick pin?  anyone ever saw this rzm marked  stick pin? 

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  3. #2

    Default Re: anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

    I would pass on this one. The lack of a contract code number would not inspire confidence.

    These kind of pins have been faked for 40 years plus.

    The British buttons and rank pips are OK but some are postwar.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3

    Default Re: anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

    hi again ade it has a number next to the rzm number you cant see to good on the photo would this help? this was one of my first items i bought for £15! i was only 20 tho evryones gota start somewhare

  5. #4

    Default Re: anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

    p.s does anyone know if that button next to the pin bottom right in pics is german?


  6. #5

    Default Re: anyone ever saw this rzm marked stick pin?

    The button looks American to me?

    Try and do some decent close ups on the stick pin.

    Cheers, Ade.

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