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Breslau medallion

Article about: Hi all, I recently came across this tiny Breslau (or rather Wrocław) medalion, and had to have it. I am not sure what it's from (so please move the thread if this is the wrong forum) or

  1. #1

    Default Breslau medallion

    Hi all,

    I recently came across this tiny Breslau (or rather Wrocław) medallion, and had to have it. I am not sure what it's from (so please move the thread if this is the wrong forum) or its history, but I thought it was really interesting.

    Breslau medallion

    It's very small the height is 10mm and width around 8mm.

    The eagle with cross was the coat of arms given to Wrocław during the Third Reich era (as the cities original coat of arms was deemed "too Slavic" by the Nazi authorities) in 1938, and remained until Wrocław was given to Poland in 1945. More info on the coat of arms can be found here.

    The small piece of chain would suggest it was attached to something else, rather than worn around the neck. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them.


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  3. #2


    a lovely piece of history,love silver.

  4. #3


    I am a big fan as well, silver - especially very aged silver - has so much character to it.

    I found a few more small medallions (Austrian ones), just waiting for them to arrive. Not sure if they are the same vintage, but they looked great, and cost basically nothing.

  5. #4


    From a pocket watch chain,I would say. Called a "Drop", as they dangled outside of the pocket the watch was in for easier access to the watch.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

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