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DLV - commemorative medallion.

Article about: Picked this medallion up at the weekend and would like to share it with you. It is 60mm in diameter and metal is 4mm thick, it weighs in at just under 100 grammes. No metal content marks any

  1. #1

    Default DLV - commemorative medallion.

    Picked this medallion up at the weekend and would like to share it with you.
    It is 60mm in diameter and metal is 4mm thick, it weighs in at just under 100 grammes. No metal content marks anywhere. I washed it wth soap and water to remove accumulated grime, but did not harm the original chemical shading. It appears to celebrate the 25 year jubilee of a glider club (1911-1936) based at Stuttgart, Germany. I would appreciate any local knowledge as to the iconography, e.g., the temple like building displaying a Christian cross depicted on the obverse, and the prancing stallion depicted on the reverse.

    DLV - commemorative medallion.DLV - commemorative medallion.

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  3. #2


    Quote by Gastvrijheid View Post
    It appears to celebrate the 25 year jubilee of a glider club (1911-1936) based at Stuttgart, Germany. I would appreciate any local knowledge as to the iconography, e.g., the temple like building displaying a Christian cross depicted on the obverse, and the prancing stallion depicted on the reverse.
    The building is the Grabkapelle auf dem Württemberg [Wurttemberg Mausoleum]; the horse is from the coat-of-arms of the City of Stuttgart.

    The medal is for the "25th anniversary air rally to the Cannstatter Wasen". The Cannstatter Wasen is a large festival area on the banks of the Neckar river in Bad Cannstatt (part of the City of Stuttgart). An airfield and even a Zeppelin landing site used to be there as well.

    In 1911, the famous aircraft designer Ernst Heinkel undertook numerous test flights from the Wasen, which may well be the anniversary commemorated here.

  4. #3


    it looks very much like the design on WW1 period pilots badges.very nice piece.

  5. #4


    Quote by harryamb2 View Post
    it looks very much like the design on WW1 period pilots badges.very nice piece.
    The plane is a Rumpler Taube; its artistic depiction on the above medaillon is indeed very similiar to (and apparently modelled on) the one on the Imperial-era pilots' badges.

    Here is a Taube on display in the Deutsches Museum in Munich:

    DLV - commemorative medallion.

    DLV - commemorative medallion.

  6. #5

    Default dlv medallion

    Let me know if you would like to sell

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