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Is this a DRK sleeve patch?

Article about: Here is another of the items left with me by a collector who wants to do a trade for something I have. Unfortunately a lot of what he has appears to be fake are damaged. I believe this is a

  1. #1

    Default Is this a DRK sleeve patch?

    Here is another of the items left with me by a collector who wants to do a trade for something I have. Unfortunately a lot of what he has appears to be fake are damaged. I believe this is a sleeve patch for the DRK, but is it real. I would appreciate it if you could let me know. I think it may be ok, but need to know for sure.
    Thanks in advance.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Is this a DRK sleeve patch?   Is this a DRK sleeve patch?  

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2


    DRK emblem worn on upper right arm by male Red Cross uniformed personnel. Not sure if original though.


  4. #3


    Hi StuG III,
    Hopefully someone on the forum will let us know if its a good un.

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