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"Early NSDAP Supporter's Stickpin 1.1cm" Looking for some information on this piece.

Article about: I came across this stickpin on germanwarbooty.com. I enjoy collecting stickpins especially early things, so I'm interested in this one. Would anyone happen to have any information on this pi

  1. #1

    Default "Early NSDAP Supporter's Stickpin 1.1cm" Looking for some information on this piece.

    I came across this stickpin on germanwarbooty.com. I enjoy collecting stickpins especially early things, so I'm interested in this one. Would anyone happen to have any information on this pin? I searched early nsdap supporters pins, but came up dry. Dealer says it's original.

    Another question I have, in some photo's of Adolf Hitler you see him wearing a small eagle/swastika stickpin right under his tie knot. Would anyone happen to know exactly which piece that is?

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement "Early NSDAP Supporter's Stickpin 1.1cm" Looking for some information on this piece.
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  3. #2


    its ok.


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