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GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors

Article about: I have just bought this sticpin, and mu id is that it is a GERMAN VETERAN STICKPIN GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors, more comments are welcome. Germany created vete

  1. #1

    Default GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors

    I have just bought this sticpin, and mu id is that it is a GERMAN VETERAN STICKPIN GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors, more comments are welcome.

    Germany created veteran organizations to assist WWI soldiers with matters regarding housing, medical care and other causes. Like other organizations during the Third Reich, affiliation to the Nazi party was a good idea and often times mandatory.

    The design of the stick pin consists of a shield with an enameled front. A lighthouse is placed on top of a rock. The bottom section has three vertical lines that represent the national colors.
    On the reverse: Ges. Gesch (Ges Gesch)
    Ges Gesch is an abbreviation for gesetzlich geschützt. Gesetzlich translates from German to English as legal, legitimate, by law. Geschützt translates from German to English as protected or sheltered. Ergo the translation means: legally protected.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors   GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors  

    GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors

    This is from the Kyffhaeuserbund, and it's not a Lighthouse, it's the Kyffhaeuser Memorial...Nice original pin.
    cheers, Glenn

  4. #3

    Default Re: GERMAN MEMBERSHIP STICKPIN lighthouse with national colors

    Hi Glenn
    Great, I thought it was a light house, thanks a lot :-)

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