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Help on administration Verwaltung Uniforms.

Article about: Seeking info on the uniforms of the admin section Verwaltung. Did they have their own uniform or did they wear the SS or SA, or if they were mobile, the uniform of the unit they were attache

  1. #1

    Default Help on administration Verwaltung Uniforms.

    Seeking info on the uniforms of the admin section Verwaltung. Did they have their own uniform or did they wear the SS or SA, or if they were mobile, the uniform of the unit they were attached to at the time, such as the Panzer units of the Africa Corps where I assume they were responsible for keeping the units supplied.
    Read a bit of stuff relating to the Verwaltung but have found nothing directly relating to their uniforms, found cap bages signifying Verwaltung Frankreich [I know what it means] but nothing else. Evidently the Verwaltung was first overseen by Goering then later Himmler
    Have I got it right so far? any help or information greatly appreciated.

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