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HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

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  1. #1

    Default HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

    HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

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    Circuit advertisement HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!
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  3. #2

    Default Re: HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

    It is a Tag der Arbiet tinnie for 1936.

  4. #3

    Default Re: HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

    First badge I ever owned.

    Cheers, Ade.
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  5. #4

    Default Re: HELP ID my pcs....then maybe after I research you can own one of them!

    Yes, missing the pin obviously and a very common badge to find. The value won't be high, just a few dollars unfortunately.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

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