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Need help. Good or fake?

Article about: Can buy this gorget in my town, but believe its a fake but im not sure.

  1. #1

    Default Need help. Good or fake?

    Can buy this gorget in my town, but believe its a fake but im not sure.Need help. Good or fake?Need help. Good or fake?Need help. Good or fake?Need help. Good or fake?Need help. Good or fake?Need help. Good or fake?
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  3. #2


    Don't have any idea on this example apart from it looking quite fresh looking.

    I located another example of a Stahlhelmbund gorget online. Sadly not the best of pictures but the different shape of the one in the photo might inform opinions on yours.
    Need help. Good or fake?

  4. #3


    There seems to be a few of these Ortsgruppe Glatz examples made.

    Here is another:
    Der Stahlhelm Gorget

    There's also one shown on the German daggers dot com website:
    Gorget Identification Gallery

    I don't collect gorgets so I'm not able to comment on authenticity
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Need help. Good or fake?  

  5. #4


    Hello Nick! It seems new to me, I don't like it. I searched a bit on the Internet and found this, maybe it will help you decide.

    German Parade Gorget Breastplate Der Stahlhelm Ortsgruppe GLATZ

  6. #5


    Thanks all!

    @Peeloo. I saw this site too and the fake gorget is stamped with RZM so its for sure its a fake. But the gorget I want to buy is stamped/marked D.R.G.M.

  7. #6


    Hello Nick, due to its appearance and great similarity, I thought it was the same manufacturer, using a different stamp.
    I still don't like it. Sorry.

  8. #7


    Hello Peeloo, no problem. Was asking for an honest gave it! Thanks!!!

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