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Opinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigade

Article about: Hello all, just thought I'd bring my newest acquisition to the forum for discussion. I picked this up off ebay, but it appears to have been originally sold through GermanHelmets.com, whom I'

  1. #1

    Default Opinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigade

    Hello all, just thought I'd bring my newest acquisition to the forum for discussion. I picked this up off ebay, but it appears to have been originally sold through GermanHelmets.com, whom I've never dealt with. The tunic has a couple small tears, but otherwise it's in really great shape. It has its original dress collar and what appears to possibly be a dry cleaning tag. I was just wondering what everyone thought. Thanks.


    Opinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigadeOpinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigade

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2


    like it.

  4. #3


    Very sharp tunic, I love the color contrast on these, thanks for sharing your acquisition with us,,!

  5. #4


    Thanks. The only problem with the tunic is that now I have to try and find a matching visor cap

  6. #5


    Great looking tunic !
    Visors are not that hard to come by :-)

    Here is my FSP Volkssturmer.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Opinions ? Fire Police Service tunic, industrial fire brigade  

  7. #6


    That's a great looking setup, exactly what I'd like to do with mine eventually.

  8. #7


    Nice acquisition friend.

  9. #8


    Nice FP tunic hats are around have a look on Stonemints thread in cloth headgear forum on visors there are a lot of West German Posures or imiatators around and it is easiy to get burned on these as these can be original or post war almost as bad as the Navy headgear. Good luck! timothy

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