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Article about: These female RadwJ are up for purchase.. I, based on research and former threads believe these are genuine and would like a second opinion.. III may be linked to Mecklenburg, Hanna Trendtel

  1. #1

    Default RADwJ

    These female RadwJ are up for purchase.. I, based on research and former threads believe these are genuine and would like a second opinion..
    III may be linked to Mecklenburg, Hanna Trendtel and V may be attributed to Dr. Hilde Lemke.. Or Olga Wolter..
    These most likely are "Honor Names"... The construction and material seems period correct IMO.
    I hope that some others can corroborate the authenticity or add any information if possible... G
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture RADwJ   RADwJ  

    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement RADwJ
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    Advertising world

  3. #2


    RAD III was definitely Mecklenberg as the link below proves.

    Pictures of the III Spaten in wear here, on pages 8 & 27 :

    RADwJ district V

    The following camps were:

    ? / 5? - Globitschen

    ? / 5? - Grenzwiese

    ? / 5? - Tarnau

    ? / 5? - Hierlshagen

    ? / 5? - Gr. Döbern

    ? / 5? - Elfenruh

    BS 5 - Breslau-Zimpel


    Fürher of RADwJ District V 1933 Stabhauptführerin Olga Wolter

    1933 there were 28 camps (Lower Silesia had 14, had 11 Middle Silesia and Upper Silesia had 3 locations)
    1934 there were 25 camps.

    1935-36 there were Camp shifts of Lower Silesia Upper Silesia

    1936 there were 38 camps and 1939 there were 82 camps.

    On 04.01.1939 the district (Gau) V was divided and 14 Lower Silesian camps were proposed.

    Source: Arbeitsmaiden in Schlesien-Mähren (about 1939)
    "Per Ardua"

  4. #3


    The names mentioned are serving women, not honor-names. I have not ever seen
    a honor-name mentioned in the "Verordnungblatt für den Reichsarbeitsdienst"
    for a female unit.
    I have not ever seen either an official list with female units, existing within a specific
    district and have no time to make one, in spite of the fact I have a lot of information
    at hand.

    In fall 1938 III was "Nordmark", V was "Schlesien". The roman number means
    It would be extremly difficult, but above all time-consuming, to re-construct a complete
    list with unit-numbers. See a page with the given information. First what should be done
    is to figure out the codes-numbers:

    Last edited by Wilhelm Saris; 09-12-2016 at 04:28 PM.

  5. #4

    Default Question from a new collector

    Please excuse my newness, but what is the connection between the patches posted above by Gwar, and the names Hanna Trendtel and Olga Wolter?

  6. #5


    Quote by Darin Zeigler View Post
    Please excuse my newness, but what is the connection between the patches posted above by Gwar, and the names Hanna Trendtel and Olga Wolter?
    Stabshauptführerin Hanna Trendtel (née Wolf) was the head of Bezirk III Mecklenburg; Stabshauptführerin Olga Wolter was the head of Bezirk V Schlesien. Both were among the earliest leaders of the RADwJ.

    As Wim said, these are not honor names for those two districts, merely the names of their commanders.

  7. #6


    Thank you HPL, very informative. I love learning new things.
    The only RADwj patch I own, is for Bezirk XI ( I really wish i could find others for sale).
    Is there a list? I'm curious who was commander of that Bezirk?

  8. #7


    For a simple list of RADwJ-Bezirke, see:

    Bezirke of the RADwJ

    The head of Bezirk XI Hessen was Stabshauptführerin Lotte Hornung. (I don't know if she was the only person to hold this duty position or if she had any predecessors or successors. Anyway, like her two colleagues mentioned above, she, too, was among the earliest leaders of the RADwJ.)

    For some photos from this district, see:

    Weiblicher RAD

  9. #8


    More great information HPL, thank you.
    And a extra thank you for the links. Theirs some really good stuff in there.

  10. #9


    Here some surveys from old RAD-sources:


    from: Aufbau des Deutschen Arbeitsdienstes from about February 1934.
    This booklet was arranged by Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, who lead the females.
    Note the districts were not yet arranged as in later years (see 1940 and 1941).


    from : Der Reichsarbeitsdienst from 1940.
    This booklet was arranged by Dr. Kurt Stamm, who was an Oberstabsamtswalter
    withing the RAD and leader from the Ministerialabteilung at the Reichsarbeitsführer.


    from: Der deutsche Arbeitsdienst, 1941.
    This booklet was arranged by Dr. Will Decker, a Generalarbeitsführer.
    Note this list had the names for the official functions.

    For those interested, here the survey of the function-insignia:


    information is from Zusammenstellung noch gültiger Erlasse und Verfügungen
    des Reichsarbeitsführers (auch WJ)
    , Ausgabe 2 up through August 31, 1939
    with additions with the stand from January 31, 1941.

  11. #10


    Wilhelm Saris, WOW!! Some excellent sources. Thank you much.

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