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Reichsparteitag 1935 Tinnie

Article about: Were these ever faked? Been looking for info on possible faking of these, but not finding anything conclusive. If it were a party badge, I'd feel good about the shape of the fixture on the p

  1. #1

    Default Reichsparteitag 1935 Tinnie

    Were these ever faked? Been looking for info on possible faking of these, but not finding anything conclusive. If it were a party badge, I'd feel good about the shape of the fixture on the pin, and the details seem good, but that's about as good as my judgement is on this one. It's a seller I trust who's trying to drop the tinnie business, but everyone can't always be expected to get them right.

    Reichsparteitag 1935 Tinnie

    Reichsparteitag 1935 Tinnie

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  3. #2


    No problems that I'm seeing on this one. The details on the eagle are Very sharp and well executed. I like it.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  4. #3


    You're a gentleman and very much a scholar as always William. Thanks!

  5. #4


    I have recently purchased one of these badges, it is the only Tinnie of 15 I have that is magnetic, is this normal or a red flag ? It is maker marked the same and has the same pin fixing.
    Thank you.

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