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Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067

Article about: Hey guys, I want to introduce my first Order of the Red Star to you all and a part of the essential research results about the recipient. Award Card ______________________________ 1. Surname

  1. #1

    Default Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067

    Hey guys,

    I want to introduce my first Order of the Red Star to you all and a part of the essential research results about the recipient.

    Award Card

    1. Surname: Nikolajenko
    2. Name and surname: Pavel Petrovich
    3. Military rank: Captain of Engineering service
    4. Gender: Male
    5. Birth: 1916
    6. Hometown: Charjkov oblast, rayon Petsjenegi, village Joertsjenkovo
    7. Party membership (from what year): none
    8. Education: Secondary
    9. Nationality: Ukrainian
    10. Time in Red Army: Since January 1942
    11. Place of service at awarding:
    12. Current placement and position: Assistant Chief of the operating section of the command of the armored and mechanized forces of the Central Army Group
    13. Home address of the decorated: Field Post No. 74189
    14. Awards:
    Order of the Red Star 1.203.067 Leningrad Front 17.10.1944
    Medal of the Victory over Germany
    Medal of the 30 years of USSR Armed Forces and Navy
    Medal for Military Service (No serial number) 20.04.1953

    Award Sheet

    Last name, name, and patrionymic: Nikolajenko, Pavel Petrovich
    Military rank: First Lieutenant of technical service
    Duty Position: Engineer-electrician in the 152nd Indpendent Leningrad Tank Brigade.
    Is nominated for: Order of the Red Star
    1. Birth: 1916
    2. Nationality: Ukrainian
    3. Since when in the Red Army: January 1942
    4. Membership Party: None
    5. Participation in combat (where and when): On the Leningrad Front from September 17 to September 26, 1944
    6. Wounds or shell-shock: No
    7. Previous awards: Not distinguished

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment:

    During the fighting between 17 and September 26, 1944 he organized as deputy engineer of repair work of the brigade, directly on the battlefield the repair of tanks and supply of spare parts. He personally organized the evacuation of seven tanks near Rastvor. Without worrying about the situation and circumstances, he always found a way to supply spare parts and ensured the temporary repair of tanks. Comrade Nikolajenko was always present at the service of the tanks from the brigade during combat operations, and always appeared first at a tank to assist in the repair.

    For shown courage and bravery I ask Comrade P.P. Nikolajenko to be awarded the Order of the Red Star.

    Deputy commander of the technical affairs of the 152th Indpendent Leningrad Tank brigade. Lieutenant Colonel of the engineer Service. Skribtsov.

    He was eventually promoted to Colonel of the Engineering Service, in 1971.

    Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067
    Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067
    Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067

    Excellent. I like that.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, #1,203,067

    Thank you Adrian. I was suprised and relieved after reading the personal combat feat. This man was almost a hero. Does anyone know how much tanks you have to repair on the battlefield to earn the Hero of the Soviet Union title? Just curious.
    Last edited by Americanheadcharge; 04-21-2011 at 02:24 PM.

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