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Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander

Article about: Record card Order booklet nr. 373563 1. Last name: Zhivotchenko 2. First name and patronymic: Kuzma Avraamovich 3. Military rank: Major 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1897 6. Place of birth:

  1. #1

    Default Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander

    Record card

    Order booklet nr. 373563

    1. Last name: Zhivotchenko
    2. First name and patronymic: Kuzma Avraamovich
    3. Military rank: Major
    4. Sex: Male
    5. Year of birth: 1897
    6. Place of birth: Village of Karavan, Staroverovo Raion, Kharkov Oblast
    7. Party membership (since which year): Member of the Communist Party since 1921
    8. Education: Elementary
    9. Nationality: Ukrainian
    10. Since which year in the Red Army: Since 1919
    11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position at the time of the award: Assistant commander for materiel supplies of the 9th Independent NKVD Szczecin Order of the Red Star Government Signal Brigade
    12. Current place of service and position: Assistant commander for materiel supplies of the 9th Independent NKVD Szczecin Order of the Red Star Government Signal Brigade
    13. Home address of the awardee: Village of Komsomolets, house nr. 11, apartment 27, Toguzak Station, Kustanay Oblast

    14. Record of all awards received:

    Names of the orders and medals/Their numbers/Numbers of the documents/Ground of award

    Order of the Red Star 905668 Temporary certificate nr. G-478649 Order of the 2nd Belorussian Front nr. 0549 of December 15, 1944

    Order of Lenin 36607 Temporary certificate nr. 167758 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of May 12, 1945

    Order of the Red Banner 224800 Temporary certificate nr. 167759 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of January 15, 1945

    Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Red Army - 023410 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of February 22, 1938

    Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad - F-29825 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of December 22, 1942

    Medal for the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 - B-00051223 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of May 9, 1945

    Signature of the awardee: [signed]

    I confirm the correctness of the data and the signature of the awardee (position and signature):

    Commander of the 9th Independent NKVD Szczecin Order of the Red Star Government Signal Brigade
    Colonel [signed] /Volodkevich/
    January 9, 1946

    Award sheet

    1. Last name, first name and patronymic: Zhivotchenko, Kuzma Avraamovich
    2. Rank: Major
    3. Position and unit: Assistant commander for supplies of the 9th Independent NKVD Order of the Red Star Government Signal Brigade
    Nominated for: Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class
    4. Year of birth: 1897
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party affiliation: Member of the Communist Party since 1921
    7. Participation in the Civil War, the subsequent combat actions to defend the USSR, and the Patriotic War (where and when): In the Civil War against Yudenich, Denikin and Petlyura from 1919-1920. In the Patriotic War on the Southern, Stalingrad, 2nd Ukrainian, and 2nd Belorussian Front since June 1941
    8. Wounds and contusions received during the Patriotic War: No
    9. Since when in the Red Army: Since 1919
    10. Drafted by which military commissariat: Joined voluntarily and enrolled in the 2nd Red Commander’s Course in Kharkov
    11. Awards received previously (for which merits): Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Red Army by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1938
    12. Permanent home address of the prospective awardee and the address of his family: Village of Komsomolets, house nr. 53, apartment 27, Toguzak Station, Kustanay Oblast. Wife: Olga Petrovna Zhivotchenko

    Short, concrete description of his combat feat or merits:

    During the period he has been serving as the assistant regimental commander for supplies, he reorganized the regiment’s everyday proceedings within a short period of time. Without considering his personal time and leisure, he tirelessly looks after the supply of allowances and he sees that the men are fed. During the period that comrade Zhivotchenko has been serving in the regiment, the food in the mess hall has improved substantially because of the skillful use of food products and the proper placement of personnel. He considerately responds to the demands of the men and as a result, the men of the regiment are healthy, vigorous, and capable of carrying out any assigned task.

    He pays a great deal of attention to overseeing the duties of the subordinated units. During the Patriotic War he repeatedly participated in the fighting with the German occupants near Korytno and Uman on the Southern Front.

    For skillfully leading his units in supplying the regiment with all types of allowances, as a result of which the regiment has not had a single irregularity in provisioning, he deserves to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class.

    Commander of the 9th Independent NKVD Order of the Red Star Government Signal Brigade
    Colonel [signed] /Volodkevich/
    October 25, 1944

    I apply for comrade Zhivotchenko to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class.

    Chief of the NKVD Government Signal Section of the 2nd Belorussian Front
    Colonel of State Security [signed] /Khomyakov/
    November 7, 1944

    By Order of the 2nd Belorussian Front nr. 0549 of December 15, 1944 awarded the Order of the Red Star.

    Assistant chief of the 3rd Subsection of the Personnel Section of the 2nd Belorussian Front
    Captain [signed] /Utkin/


    Copy nr. 2

    [Stamp: 2nd Belorussian Front; June 12, 1945]


    Of the 2nd Belorussian Front

    December 15, 1944 – Nr. 0549 – Active Army

    On decorating personnel

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valor and bravery displayed in the process, I award:


    The Order of the Red Star to:


    3. Major Kuzma Avraamovich Zhivotchenko, assistant commander for supplies of the 9th Independent NKVD Government Signal Regiment


    Commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front
    Marshal of the Soviet Union [signed] /Rokossovsky/

    Member of the Military Council of the 2nd Belorussian Front
    Lieutenant General [signed] /N. Subbotin/

    Chief of the Personnel Section of the 2nd Belorussian Front
    Colonel [signed] /Sergeyenko/

    Service record

    1. Last name, first name and patronymic: Zhivotchenko, Kuzma Avraamovich
    2. Date and place of birth: November 29, 18 97, village of Karavan, Staroverovo Raion, Kharkov Oblast
    3. Nationality: Ukrainian
    4. Knowledge of foreign languages and level of mastery: No
    5. Social situation and background: Farmer from a family of peasants
    6. Party affiliation
    Member of the Communist Party since: 1921
    Party membership booklet nr.: 1326348
    Candidate member of the Communist Party since:
    Member of the Komsomol since:
    Not a party member:
    Party penalties and changes in party affiliation:
    7. Education
    General education: 3 classes of elementary school in 1911, village of Karavan
    Military education (indicate full names of the military educational institutions, month and year of graduation, full or accelerated course attended): Graduated from the Red Commander’s School in October 1926
    Political education: No
    8. Service at the front: On the Don Front from September 1942 through January 1943 and on the Southwestern Front from January 1943 through September 1944
    9. Wounds and contusions: No
    10. Awards (orders and medals): Order of Lenin in 1945, Order of the Red Banner in 1945, Order of the Red Star in 1944, Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Red Army, Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad in 1942, Medal for the Victory over Germany in 1945, Medal for the Capture of Königsberg
    11. Has he been in captivity or surrounded; when, where and for how long (if surrounded, only note escapes separate from his unit): No
    12. Registration numbers:
    13. Registered where (name of the military commissariat and oblast): Military Commissariat of the Nezhin Raion, Chernigov Oblast

    14. Conferment of military ranks By whose order Order nr. Date
    Major NKVD 217 Nov 15, 1941

    15. Personnel category: Commanding officers, reserve of the 2nd category
    16. Branch of arms: Infantry, military specialty nr. 69
    17. State of health: Healthy
    18. Attended trainings:
    19. Place of service and duty position (or nature of activities outside military service): Manager of a Regional Social Security Department
    20. Family situation and home address: Married to Olga Petrovna Zhivotchenko, born in 1898. 70 Moskovskaya Street, city of Nezhin
    21. Special remarks: Military ID nr. Yu-35594, issued on December 6, 1948

    22. Service in the Soviet Army:

    Name of the position Name of the unit By whose order Order nr. Date
    Apr 1919–Oct 1920 – Cadet 1st Moscow Infantry Course
    Oct 1920–Feb 1921 – Platoon leader 3rd Rifle Regiment, city of Ufa
    Mar 1921–Mar 1922 – Platoon leader 4th Cheka Battalion
    Mar 1922–Nov 1922 – Platoon leader 85th Railroad Security Rifle Regiment
    Nov 1922–Dec 1923 – Break from military service
    Dec 1923–Sep 1924 – Assistant platoon leader 19th Rifle Regiment, 7th Rifle Division
    Sep 1924–Oct 1926 – Cadet Red Commander’s School
    Oct 1926–Dec 1929 – Assistant chief of a border post 25th Border Guard Detachment
    Dec 1929–Jul 1931 – Assistant chief of a border post 19th Olevsk Detachment, State Political Directorate
    Jul 1931–Jan 1934 – chief of a border post 19th Olevsk Detachment, State Political Directorate
    Jan 1934–Mar 1935 – Assistant commander 20th Slavuta Border Guard Detachment, State Political Directorate
    Mar 1935–Dec 1936 - 23rd NKVD Border Guard Detachment
    Dec 1936–Jan 1937 - 23rd NKVD Border Guard Detachment
    Jan 1937–Nov 1937 - 23rd NKVD Border Guard Detachment
    Nov 1937–Jun 1941 - 23rd NKVD Border Guard Detachment
    Jun 1941–Sep 1942 – Assistant chief for materiel supplies 23rd Border Guard Detachment, 11th Army
    Sep 1942–Jan 1943 – Senior assistant chief of the Special Supply Section NKVD Headquarters guarding the rear of the Don Front
    Jan 1943–Mar 1943 – Senior assistant chief of the Armament Section NKVD Headquarters guarding the rear of the Southwestern Front
    Mar 1943–Sep 1944 – Temporary assistant commander 4th Independent NKVD Signal Regiment, Southwestern Front
    Sep 1944–Mar 1945 – Assistant commander for supplies 9th Independent Government Signal Regiment
    Mar 1945–Apr 1946 – Temporary commander for supplies 9th Independent NKVD Government Signal Brigade
    Apr 1946–May 1946 – Senior assistant chief of the 2nd Section of the Military Supply Department Military Supply Department of the MVD of the Asian District
    May 1946–Apr 1947 – Senior inspector of the Military Supply Department Military Supply Department of the MVD of the Asian District
    Military commissar of the Nezhin Raion
    Guards Colonel [signed] /Ragozin/

    Chief of the 3rd Section
    Captain of the Administrative Service [signed] /Kulakov/

    23. Transfered to the reserve of the 2nd category with the rank of Major, in accordance with Article 46 (due to age) Chief of the Military Supply Department of the Asian District 136/22 Apr 19, 1947
    24. Retired with the rank of:

    25. Attestation

    On which duty position Final conclusion of the attestation Date

    Major Kuzma Avraamovich Zhivotchenko's Order of the Red Star, #905668. . .

    Photographs/scans used with permission.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander   Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

    Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander
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    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, #905668, NKVD Commander

    Always a pleasure to read about a researched order.

    Thanks for posting it Biil.

    Cheers, Ade.
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