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Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division

Article about: Award Card Order Booklet A 081435 1. Last name: Konovalenko 2. Name and patrionymic: Ivan Aleksandrovich 3. Rank: Guards Major 4. Gender: Male 5. Birthyear: 1904 6. Birthplace: Voroshilovgra

  1. #1

    Default Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division

    Award Card

    Order Booklet A 081435

    1. Last name: Konovalenko
    2. Name and patrionymic: Ivan Aleksandrovich
    3. Rank: Guards Major
    4. Gender: Male
    5. Birthyear: 1904
    6. Birthplace: Voroshilovgrad Oblast, Sver(?) Region, Dolzhik-Kharitonov village
    7. Party membership: since 1925
    8. Education: elementary
    9. Nationality: Ukrainian
    10. Time in Red Army: since 1926
    11. Place of service at awarding: Chief – Ration and Forage Section, 54th Guards Rifle Division
    12. Place of work at present: Minsk, Chief of Warehouse #1068
    13. Home address: Minsk, Red Boundary Warehouse #1068

    14. Awards:
    Designation/Serial Number/Awarding Organization
    Combat Service Medal 159.595 5 (?) dated 25.1.43
    Red Star 929.468 28th Army dated 1.8.44
    Red Star 892.732 Supreme Soviet dated 3.11.44
    OPWII 544.798 28th Army dated 22.5.45
    Red Banner 253.456 Edict dated 5.11.46

    Repealed by Edict dated 22.11.48 [trans: crossed out]
    Reinstated by Edict dated 2.1.59
    Verified on 31st August, 1946

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Konovalenko, Ivan Aleksandrovich
    2. Rank: Guards Major
    3. Duty position: Chief of Produce Forage Section – 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division
    Recommendation for the Order of the Patriotic War II Class
    4. Born: 1904
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party membership: yes
    7. Previous combat: since December, 1941
    8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
    9. In Red Army: since November, 1926
    10. Inducted by: Rovno Regional Military Commissariat, Voroshilovgrad Oblast
    11. Previous awards: Combat Service Medal 5th Tank Army 23.02.43
    12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    During the penetration of the enemy defensive belts and offensive beginning 24th July, 1944 Comrade Konovalenko continuously supplied the division with produce and foraged items.

    Despite our units’ rapid advance, heavy loads, and poor roads, he supplied the combat units in a timely manner with foraged produced in forest-swamp conditions and due to his efforts there were no supply lapses during offensive operations.

    Despite the difficult forest-swamp terrain and disregarding difficulties and time he personally drove vehicles to the combat units and supplied them with produce in a timely manner.

    On liberated territory he capably organized captured and local means to supply the division in an uninterrupted manner.

    During combat operations he led produce supply and mobilized the regiments’ produce supply for the uninterrupted and quality feeding of the units.

    For the conscientious accomplishment of service missions, for continuous supply of the division with foraged produce he is deserving of the Order of the Patriotic War II Class.

    Signed Deputy Commander for the Rear Area, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Kuleshchov on 8.07.44

    Endorsed Commander, 54th Guards Rifle Division, Guards General-Major Danilov on 14th July, 1944

    Endorsed Deputy Commander for the Rear Area, 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, Guards Colonel Fortunatov on 21st July, 1944

    Endorsed Commander, 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, Guards General-Major Pereprovich on 24th July, 1944

    Endorsed Chief of the Rear Area, 28th Army, Colonel Tsybin on (?) July, 1944
    Awarded the Order of the Red Star by (?) Order 41 dated 1st August, 1944 and signed Deputy Chief of Personnel 2nd Section Captain of Adminstrative Services Tkachenko

    Unit Award Order


    [trans: handwritten “1 Belorussian Front 2.2.45” and other administrative data]

    28th Army Order 41/N dated 1 August 1944

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Command’s missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:

    Order of the Red Star to:

    19. Guards Major Ivan Aleksandrovich Konovalenko – Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division

    Signed 28th Army Commander Guards General-Lieutenant Luchinskii, Member of the Military Committee General-Major A. Melnikov, Chief of Staff General-Major Rogachevskii, and Chief of Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Gorokhov.

    3 Copies
    1.8.44 M.A.

    [trans: handwritten: “Captain of Administrative Services Vasilii Asosimovich Ivanin and Senior Sergeant Archel Matkeevich Kudaev removed from the order by the Army Military Committee. Signed 28th Army Chief of Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Gorokhov.” ]

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Konovalenko, Ivan Aleksandrovich
    2. Rank: Guards Quartermaster 3rd Class
    3. Duty position: Deputy Regimental Commander for Supply – 634th Rifle Regiment, 54th Guards Rifle Division
    Recommendation for the Combat Service Medal
    4. Born: 1904
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party membership: yes
    7. Previous combat: January 1942 – April 1942 and since August 1942 on the 4th Ukrainian Front
    8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
    9. In Red Army: since 1926
    10. Inducted by: Rovno Regional Military Commissariat, Voroshilovgrad Oblast
    11. Previous awards: n/a
    12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    On 22 November 1942 during an enemy attack of tanks and motorized infantry on Collective Farm #86 Farm 3, he was able to evacuate the second column of the regimental headquarters and battalion’s rear area while under enemy fire with loss.

    During the regiment’s combat actions Comrade Konovalenko has provided the delivery of ammunition, foodstuffs, and equipment in a timely manner despite all difficulties.

    He is deserving of the Combat Service Medal.

    Signed Regimental Commander, Guards Captain Bugaev on 9th January, 1943

    Endorsed Commander, 54th Guards Rifle Division, Guards Colonel Danilov

    Endorsed 5 Tank Army Commander General-Major Panfilov and Member of the Military Committee General-Major (?), and Chief of Staff General-Major (unspecified) on 23rd January, 1943, verified by Deputy Chief of 2nd Section Major Gra(?)v

    Unit Award Order


    [trans: handwritten “South Western Front”]

    5th Tank Army Order 05/N dated 23rd January, 1943

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Command’s missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:

    Combat Service Medal to:

    10. Guards Quartermaster 3rd Class Konovalenko, Ivan Aleksandrovich – Deputy Regimental Commander for Supply, 634th Rifle Regiment, 54th Guards Rifle Division

    Signed 5th Tank Army Commander Guards General-Major (?), Member of the Military Committee Guards General-Major Tumanyan, Chief of Staff General-Major Danilov, and Chief of Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Andreev.

    4 Copies
    1- 5th Tank Army Personnel
    2-4 According to List

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Konovalenko, Ivan Aleksandrovich
    2. Rank: Guards Major
    3. Duty position: Chief of Produce Foraging Section – 54th Guards Makeev Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division
    Recommendation for the Order of the Patriotic War II Class
    4. Born: 1904
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party membership: yes
    7. Previous combat: No Civil War participation. In Patriotic War since December 1941
    8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
    9. In Red Army: since 1926
    10. Inducted by: Rovno Regional Military Commissariat, Voroshilovgrad Oblast
    11. Previous awards: Twice Red Star 1944 and long service and Combat Service Medal in 1943
    12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    In offensive operations and the subsequent destruction of the enemy East Prussian pocket, Comrade Konovalenko organized produce supply of the Division’s units in an excellent manner using local resources. Throughout the winter Comrade Konovalenko supplied the units with foraged produce in sufficient quantity, thus enabling the preservation of our horses upon which heavy transportation loads were placed during the spring thaw. Preparing and storing grain in a timely manner, Comrade Konovalenko supplied the units with quality bread and capably gathered and kept livestock, thus permitting our units a continuous supply of tasty and nourishing food. Considering the demands and acting bolding and with initative, Comrade Konovalenko provided accurate and continuous supply to the units with established systems and foraged items. Comrade Konovalenko organized mobile caches with a daily reserve of produce which directly followed the Division’s units, thus preventing any break in the ration cycle of our units despite the rapid advance, thus enabling the successful destruction of the enemy in East Prussia.

    For continuous and quality supply of our forces with produce and foraged items that enabled the major success of our forces Comrade Konovalenko is deserving of the Order of the Patriotic War II Class.

    Signed Commander, 34th Guards Makeev Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division, Guards General-Major Danilov on 2nd April, 1945

    Endorsed Deputy Commander of the Rear Area, 3rd Guards Red Banner Rifle Corps, Guards Colonel Bogdanov on 6th April, 1945

    Endorsed Commander, 3rd Guards Red Banner Rifle Corps, Guards General-Major Aleksandrov on 19th April, 1945

    Endorsed Chief of the Rear Area, 28th Army, Colonel Tsybin on 5th May, 1945
    Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II Class by 28th Army Order 27/N dated 22nd May, 1945.

    Unit Award Order


    [trans: stamped “1st Ukrainian Front”]

    28th Army Order 27/N dated 22nd May, 1945

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Command’s missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:

    Order of the Patriotic War II Class to:

    15. Guards Major Ivan Aleksandrovich Konovalenko – Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division

    Signed 28th Army Commander Guards General-Lieutenant Luchinskii, Member of the Military Committee General-Major A. Melnikov, Chief of Staff General-Major Rogachevskii, and Chief of Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Gorokhov.

    3 Copies
    19.5.45 M.V.

    Guards Major Ivan Aleksandrovich Konovalenko's Order of the Red Star, #929468.

    My thanks to Paul Schmitt for his invaluable assistance.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

    Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division   Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Order of the Red Star, #929468, Chief of Produce Forage Section, 54th Guards Makeev Red Banner Order of Suvorov Rifle Division
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  3. #2


    The next time the pizza delivery guy gives me excuses for being late, I will show him this thread.

  4. #3


    Great order to a Great scrounger.

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