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Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

Article about: Awarded March 31, 1942, (T.4, V1). . . obverse: reverse:

  1. #1

    Default Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Awarded March 31, 1942, (T.4, V1). . .



  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    This Order of the Red Star was awarded to Senior Political Officer Ivan Ivanovich Dubyaga. . .

    Award Card obverse:

    Award Card reverse:

    Service Record, page 1:

    Service Record, page 2:

  4. #3

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Service Record, page 3:

    Service Record, page 4:

    Citation obverse:

    Citation reverse:

  5. #4

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Award card
    Order book № 472313
    1. Last name: Dubyaga
    2. First, middle names: Ivan Ivanovich
    3. Military rank: Senior political instructor
    4. Sex: Male
    5. Year of birth: January 27, 1903
    6. Place of birth: Leningrad
    7. Party membership since: C.P.S.U.(B.) member since August 1919
    8. Education: secondary
    9. Nationality: Russian
    10. In the Red Army since: January-1920 – October- 1926; September-1939 – October-1940; June-1941 – February-1942;
    11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 2nd rifle regiment; 85th rifle division of Leningrad front; Company political instructor
    12. Current place of service and position: 841st factory, Leningrad, 22 Tambovskaya Street. Party bureau secretary.
    13. Home address of the awardee: Leningrad, 126 Mezhdunarodny pr., flat 124.
    14. Record of previous awards
    Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award
    Order of the Red Star 22749 Temporary Certificate
    61616 Order 0730 to Leningrad front of March 31, 1942

    The Badge of Honor 77114 Order/book 380734
    Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 16, 1945
    For the Defense of Leningrad medal - Permanent/
    Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 22, 1942
    For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 medal - Permanent/
    Е-0325199 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 9, 1945
    For Labor Valor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 medal - Permanent/
    Д-0026592 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 6, 1945

    Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________

    Data correctness
    and signature of awardee
    attested by: (неразборчиво)
    Lieutenant Colonel (signed)
    March 5, 1946

  6. #5

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Award Citation

    1. First, middle and last names Dubyaga Ivan Ivanovich
    2. Rank Senior political instructor
    3. Position, unit Political instructor of the 1st rifle brigade, 2nd rifle regiment, 2nd People Army division
    Is recommended for the order of Red Star
    4. Year of birth 1903
    5. Nationality Russian
    6. Party membership CPSU(B) member
    7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) Participant in battles against the Byelo-Finns, ?, near settlement of Yurki, Ivanovskoye, ?
    8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Wounded twice
    9. In the Red Army since September, 1939 – October 1940; since July 4, 1941
    10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Moscow military commissariat, voluntarily
    11. Previous awards None
    12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) Leningrad, 39 Blagodatny pereulok, flat 100

    I. Brief description of personal feat or merits

    Comrade Dubyaga proved himself to be courageous in the battles; being a political instructor of the company he was always on the front line carrying the subdivisions. He took part in a lot of battles against the enemy. During the battle near ? , being wounded he did not leave the battle field. Comrade Dubyaga rendered assistance to other wounded soldiers and was heavily wounded once again. Being wounded twice he managed not only to leave the battle field himself, but also to pull out the heavily wounded soldier. He is devoted to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin party. For his courage and bravery he deserves the government award.

    Regiment commander: Senior political instructor:
    Major (signed) (signed)

    August 21, 1941,

    By order to the troops of the Leningrad front No 0730/N of March 31, 1942 is awarded the order of Red Star.

    II. Conclusion of the Higher Command

    Recommended for awarding the order of Red Star
    Commander of the 2nd People Army division
    Lieutenant Colonel (signed)

    Division military commissar ? ? ?
    August 22, 1941 (signed)

    III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council

    I apply for awarding comrade Dubyaga the order of Red Star
    Commander of ? :
    Major General (signed) /Semashko/

    Military Commissar, Brigade Commander (signed) /Melnikov/

    August 31, 1941

    IV. Conclusion of the Front Military Council

  7. #6

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Service Record
    1. Last name, first name, and patronymic: DUBYAGA IVAN IVANOVICH
    2. Time and place of birth: January 27,1903
    Leningrad 12. Regist. № № №
    Crossed out due to death.
    3. Nationality Russian
    4. Knowledge of foreign languages and level of mastery: None 13. Where registered (name of the district military registration and enlistment office)
    Moscow district military commissariat of Leningrad
    5. Social status and origin: employee, of workers origin 14. Military rank conferred: Order of Order number Date
    6. Party membership CPSU member since 1919, Party-membership card № 2440675, candidate to CPSU member since member of the L.Y. C.L. S.U. since
    Party penalties and change of party affiliation - None -
    Of January 1954
    7. Education General: 5 grades of the Petrogradskaya 5th gymnasium in 1918 15. Personnel: political reserve “3” class
    Military: (names of military educational institutions, month and year of graduation, complete or accelerated training): None
    8. Participation in the Fronts:
    The Civil war – Western front from August 1920 till March 1921.
    The Patriotic war – Leningrad front from July 1941 till August 1941
    9. Wounds and contusions: Heavy missile wound into the right foot and head, on August 02, 1941.
    10. Awards (orders and medals):Order: ”Red Star” in 1942; Badge of Honour in 1945; Medals: “For the Defense of Leningrad” in 1943, “For Victory over Germany” in 1945, “For Valiant Labour” in 1945
    11. Being in captivity, encirclement – when, how long (for those being in encirclement, the column to be filled only if went out of the encirclement separately from the unit):
    Not applicable 20. Marital status and home address: Divorced.
    Son – Vitaly, 1927.
    Leningrad,126 Mezhdunarodny prospect, flat 124

    Special notes:

    16.Combatarm:Registered military speciality № 236
    17. State of health: partly restricted, 2nd degree
    Political: Three-month courses of district committee secretaries in 1935, Pushkin 18. Training duty status

    _________________ 19______ days _________________ 19______ days

    _________________ 19______ days _________________ 19______ days

    _________________ 19______ days _________________ 19______ days

    19. Place of service and position (or non-military occupation)
    Leningrad, 78th Board of Glavneftegazstroy, Head of supply department, assistant of the Head of Board

    22. Service in the Soviet Army
    Position Unit Order of Order number Date
    Clerk Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 1.1920
    Head of the regiment political education.
    499th rifle regiment, 56th rifle division of the Western front 8.1920
    Bookkeeper. Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 3.1921
    Secretary Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 10.1922
    Secretary of the military commissariat Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 1.1923
    In charge of bringing in and removal of goods Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 9.1924
    Head of the transport-auxiliary department Petrogradsky military economic district storage warehouse 8. 1926
    In the reserve 10.1926
    Political instructor of the battery The 4th reserve artillery regiment of Leningrad military district 9.1939
    Political instructor of the battery Reserve of political administration of Leningrad military district 2.1940
    Secretary of the regiment Party bureau 412th howitzer artillery regiment, 122nd rifle division of Leningrad military district 4.1940
    In the reserve 10.1940
    Company political instructor 2nd rifle regiment of the 2nd Moscow division of the people’s army of the Leningrad front 7.1941
    Undergoing medical treatment as a result of wound Evacuation hospital № 4007 of Sverdlovsk 8.1941
    Moscow district military commissariat
    Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Chevychelov/
    Head of the 3rd unit
    Captain (signed) /Morozov/
    23. Dismissed to reserve "_3__"class, in the rank of 10.2.1942
    24. Retired in the rank of _____________________________________

  8. #7

    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, Nr. 22749

    Very lucky fate, after the wound he was evacuated to Sverdlovsk- it was not so easy to evacuate also in case of heavy wound. Mostly of wounded died in the hospitals of blockaded Leningrad

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