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18 yrs service medal question

Article about: Hello everyone, I picked up this 18 year service badge in a pile of other medals for really cheap. However, I do not know its authenticity. The ribbon looks like an Austrian style but it is

  1. #1

    Default 18 yrs service medal question

    Hello everyone,

    I picked up this 18 year service badge in a pile of other medals for really cheap. However, I do not know its authenticity. The ribbon looks like an Austrian style but it is in red instead of blue?? I have to admit, I'm more into imperial items myself so sorry for my ignorance. Any thoughts?

    Added more pictures!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 18 yrs service medal question   18 yrs service medal question  

    18 yrs service medal question   18 yrs service medal question  

    Last edited by Klaus Fisher; 02-09-2012 at 03:07 AM.

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  3. #2

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    Wrong ribbon of course, but the medal has an extra ring
    added - normally only one ring was attached to the
    medal itself - it's possibly been reworked.

    This one also has very poor details.

    A repro IMO.........


  4. #3

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    Think you need to provide close ups of the eagle and the medsl itself for the more knowledgeable to be able to judge

  5. #4

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    One look at the back convinced me it is bad, but wait
    and see what a few others have to say.........


  6. #5

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    All the ones I have come across are magnetic.

  7. #6

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    I dont like it either. Detail is poor, where is the original suspension ring? Not one I would have.

    Here is my example to compare

    Attached Images Attached Images 18 yrs service medal question  18 yrs service medal question 
    "In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem

  8. #7

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    These images may assist.

    18 yrs service medal question

    18 yrs service medal question

    18 yrs service medal question

  9. #8

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    Hi Klaus,
    Thank you for posting, I can only agree with the others, a fake.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  10. #9

    Default Re: 18 yrs service medal question

    Yep, that's what I'm seeing. Thanks for the help!

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