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Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

Article about: Hello Ade/Forum Members, This is the last Luftwaffe badge I have that I could do with advice on. The scan makes it look brighter than it is. It has an "A' makers mark on the reverse and

  1. #1
    mjw is offline

    Default Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Hello Ade/Forum Members,

    This is the last Luftwaffe badge I have that I could do with advice on. The scan makes it look brighter than it is. It has an "A' makers mark on the reverse and has had a bad repair with both rivets being filed and soldered. This has left heavy scratches around these areas. What would be your feelings on this? I cleaned the reverse as it was so bad and now wish I hadn't (well if it is a fake then it wont matter!).

    Kind regards, Malcolm.
    Attached Images Attached Images Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!  Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!  Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!  Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!  Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one! 

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  3. #2
    mjw is offline

    Default Re: Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Can anyone offer help with this one?

    Kind regards, Malcolm.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Hi Malcolm, I was hoping someone else might jump in to help, but as no one has replied, I am sorry to say the badge is a fake.

    Basically there is nothing right about it. The makers mark for this particular badge is not correct in placement. The front is "mushy" and soft in detail and all the hinge/pin/catch hardwear are incorrect for this maker.

    Have a look here at my friend Richard Gordon's webiste. Rich shows a good original example:

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Sorry for not seeing this earlier, I missed the thread somewhere I would have replied. and I agree with Ade. Its quite a bad attempt, sorry

  6. #5

    Default Re: Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Yes. A bad reproduction. I am sorry.

  7. #6
    mjw is offline

    Default Re: Advice needed luftwaffe observer – last one!

    Thank you everyone for all your help with this badge (and for all the comments relating to those shown earlier).

    I appreciate your comments and for sharing your expertise with me.

    Kind regards, Malcolm.

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