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silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??

Article about: Hi I wondered if anyone could please tell me if this silver ccc is real or fake. Its missing its back plate.

  1. #1

    Default silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??

    Hi I wondered if anyone could please tell me if this silver ccc is real or fake. Its missing its back plate.
    Attached Images Attached Images silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??  silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??  silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??  silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??  silver close combat clasp, real or fake please?? 

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??
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  3. #2

    Default Re: silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??

    Sorry,it's a fake. Marked AGMuK,but has a GWL obverse.
    Stewy S

  4. #3

    Default Re: silver close combat clasp, real or fake please??

    Thought it might be, alot of things on uk militaria website is sold as real but is fake. Glad I checked with you first. Thanks again . Jay.

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