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Medal for Bravery

Article about: how do you like it? thank you

  1. #1

    Default Medal for Bravery

    how do you like it? thank you

    Medal for BraveryMedal for BraveryMedal for BraveryMedal for BraveryMedal for BraveryMedal for Bravery

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Medal for Bravery
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  3. #2


    Ochin xorochai ! I saw a few of these in Afghan bazaars in the 70s. Nice example

  4. #3


    Quote by der alte oberst View Post
    Ochin xorochai ! I saw a few of these in Afghan bazaars in the 70s. Nice example
    sehr gut, you say? thanks!

  5. #4


    I am not up to par on Russian medals . If possible could I get a little lesson on these?

    Semper Fi

  6. #5


    Quote by AZPhil View Post
    I am not up to par on Russian medals . If possible could I get a little lesson on these?

    Semper Fi
    you've picked on a huge topic, it's like asking tell me about the universe what specifically do you want to know about Soviet awards or this particular kind of award? if it's something in general i recommend going here and clicking on each medal link and reading its description,

    The Soviet Military Awards Page. Medals, History and Russia!


  7. #6


    I't an original medal. It originally came with a rectangular suspension and was given a five-sided suspension after June 1943. The medal still has that wartime suspension.

  8. #7


    Medal of VALOR.
    As per the number - January/February 1943.
    True, original suspension had to be a rectangular one.

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