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Orde of the Red Banner original?

Article about: Hello everyone, I have recently stumbled upon this Order of the Red Banner for sale and would be interested to know if it is indeed the real deal. Based on what I can observe, and if it is i

  1. #1

    Default Orde of the Red Banner original?

    Hello everyone,

    I have recently stumbled upon this Order of the Red Banner for sale and would be interested to know if it is indeed the real deal. Based on what I can observe, and if it is indeed original, it is issued from around the 1930s. Can anyone however add some more information please? Thanks.

    Orde of the Red Banner original?
    Orde of the Red Banner original?
    Orde of the Red Banner original?

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Orde of the Red Banner original?
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  3. #2


    No. Too many anomalies for me. Screwplate is wrong, enamel is ugly (poorly re-done?) and details seem too soft. I'd pass, based on 3 photos.

  4. #3


    I agree with ericfg. Ugly fake.

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