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Question about Soviet Order

Article about: Hello everyone!! I have a question about this second class Order of patriotic war. I assume that the piece is ok, that it is original... But I wonder when it could have been shared?? Number

  1. #1

    Default Question about Soviet Order

    Hello everyone!!
    I have a question about this second class Order of patriotic war. I assume that the piece is ok, that it is original... But I wonder when it could have been shared?? Number is 2314985.
    Thanks a lot!!
    I have it on offer, so I'm not sure if it's even worth buying at the price the guy is offering for me.
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    Question about Soviet Order  

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  3. #2


    It's an original 1985 award. What is the price he sells this award for?

  4. #3


    Original, very common Order. From the Moscow Mint (MMD), the number falls in the range of 2,148,401 - 2,673,400. 525,000 were produced of this batch.

  5. #4


    Because there is no booklet, it is probably worth maybe 40-45 euros. However if you do want to know the recipient, you can contact one of the researchers, and they should be able to get a scan of the recipients card for you, at a payment.

  6. #5


    Thanks VasOnARizs for detail answer, and Marcel for fast reply.
    Price for order iz 55 euro + plus inter postage...

  7. #6


    That's an average price these days so go for it
    Research can NOT be done as suggested above. 1985 awards can not be researched unless you have the award certificate that goes along with it which mentiones the name of the recipient. Without this card it'll remain an anonymous award. That is because these 1985 serial numbers are not taken along in the recipient's record files. So you have to have the named award certificate!! (see one of mine below):

    Question about Soviet Order

  8. #7


    I think it might only be available recently. I was able to get my Jubilee order researched without its name or award certificate, just using the number of the order. Here are some examples of the research (only the last one is mine)

    Question about Soviet Order

    Question about Soviet Order

    Question about Soviet Order

    Question about Soviet Order

    Question about Soviet Order

    As you see, it includes the order number, certificate number, date of awarding, name of recipient, birthdate, place of birth, and residence, other information.

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