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Australian, Canadian and South African service medals

Article about: Almost have them all, need New Zealand and one more SA medal. The Aussie medals are named to Clarence Albert Wood, enlisted March of 1940 and was assigned to 113th Heavy Battery 5th Heavy Ar

  1. #1

    Default Australian, Canadian and South African service medals

    Almost have them all, need New Zealand and one more SA medal. The Aussie medals are named to Clarence Albert Wood, enlisted March of 1940 and was assigned to 113th Heavy Battery 5th Heavy Artillery Bde, then was sent to NSW to a signals unit and made Lance Sergeant, was discharged in March of 1943 as medically unfit. A note says he was the Head Proof Reader at the Newcastle Morning Herald for 30 years.

    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals

    Canadian set, whoever put them together used fishing line so I can't move the medals themselves around, they're attached to the backing material.

    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medalsAustralian, Canadian and South African service medalsAustralian, Canadian and South African service medals

    South African Service medal, it is named and I put it away already D'oh! I'll look it up tomorrow and tell you who it is.

    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals
    Australian, Canadian and South African service medals

  2. #2


    Nice idea, collecting WWII Allied service medals.
    'India' should also be on your list........


  3. #3


    Thanks Steve, yes I have the India medal, but that's in another thread, with my stars.

    My Campaign Stars

  4. #4


    And New Zealand too?


  5. #5


    The Canadian medals are 'Court Mounted' as is the current practice-take up less space on the chest and the medals don't bang into each other and get damaged. The Australian was a Militia member-first letter is the state he joined in; 'N' for New South Wales-he was not liable for service outside of Australian territory as he was most likely a conscript (you had to volunteer for the 2nd Australian Imperial Force-2AIF-to go overseas-indicated by a service number that starts with the state code letter and then 'X' then the number).

  6. #6


    Thanks Lithgow, I didn't know that about the Aussies, I'll keep an eye out for the X prefix. Yes, New Zealand too, still looking for one
    of those still. They're a little harder
    to come by here in the states.

  7. #7


    Great collection. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. #8


    Some excellent medals here.. I still need to get the Aussie medal they pop on fleabay but always seem to be just over what I would like to pay!!!.Thanks for showing again Cheers Terry.

  9. #9


    stinkpotpete/Tango-This site contains free info on Australian personnel and the ability to print out a service certificate:World War Two Nominal Roll

  10. #10


    Thanks for the site Lithgow I have saved that so one day when I do pick up a medal I will hopefully be able to look him or her up..Cheers Terry.

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