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British Pin??

Article about: Can anyone help me with some info on this pin i have, my mother just gave it to me, she got it off her father and was told it was just a something he got during the war, it has OI on the bac

  1. #1

    Default British Pin??

    Can anyone help me with some info on this pin i have, my mother just gave it to me, she got it off her father and was told it was just a something he got during the war, it has OI on the back of his head and has RECO 831991 writen on his back.

    British Pin??British Pin??

    She has also given me another pin she got off her mother, she thinks it is WW1 but is not 100%, it has, MIZPAh on one heart, and, The Lord watch between me & thee when we are absent one from another, on the other.

    Any info would be great.


    British Pin??

  2. #2

    Default Re: British Pin??

    Certainly looks like the little fellow is wearing a tin hat, doesn't it?

    "Mizpah is an emotional bond between people who are separated (either physically or by death). Mizpah jewellery is worn to signify this bond, and the word "mizpah" can often be found on headstones in cemeteries and on other memorials. From Genesis 31:49 of the Bible:
    And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another."

    Looks like they are sweethearts brooches, very nice.


  3. #3

    Default Re: British Pin??


    Yes it does look like a tin hat to me, i like him, he has a cheeky smile.

    Thanks for the info, my thought on the second one is a sweetheart brooch as well, but im bot sure on the first one.


  4. #4

    Default Re: British Pin??

    The little chap is a 'fums up' (thumbs up) good luck charm from WW1. Generally given to a soldier before going off to war. The head is wood due to the old superstition of 'touching wood' to keep him safe.

    Don't know the vintage of yours as many repros are doing the rounds!

  5. #5

    Default Re: British Pin??

    Thanks for the info, the head on mine is not wood, i asked my mother if she knows any more info on it and she was given it in the early 50's by her mother and was told it was from the war, she thinks it might have been something given to people who donated money to the war effort but is not 100% sure.

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