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Bronze star medal engraving style

Article about: This is a named bronze star the seller say it is 1960s and 1970s government engraving is this true ??

  1. #1

    Default Bronze star medal engraving style

    This is a named bronze star the seller say it is 1960s and 1970s government engraving is this true ??

    Bronze star medal engraving style

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style


  3. #3

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    looks like it could be earlier I don't think the engraving style determines the age, as there were many different types of engravings I think this one is 50s era

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    so this was 50s era engraving ?? goverement or private engraving

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    The style of brooch is typical of medals made during World War II. Overstocks of these medals were used well after WWII. Style of engraving is tough to use as a determination of era...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    Yes giz i know about slotted brooches are from ww2 but somewhere issued up to vietnam and after but the engraving was done like this only for a short period as their are 4 different styles and i think it is goverment

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    Quote by ww2relichunter View Post
    their are 4 different styles and i think it is goverment
    Can you elaborate a little more on this?
    Semper Fi

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    I've seen WWII style stars with this type of engraving...I would put the engraving between late 40's-late 50's. The difference in the machine done engravings and a hand done (which this appears to be) is pretty obvious when compared side by side. Does his name come up in any registries?

    Just my 2 cents though. Hope this helps!


  9. #9

    Default Re: Bronze star medal engraving style

    Looks like typical WWII era, official hand engraved Bronze Star, likely engraved out of PQMD. If it were awarded later (1947) for a CIB conversion, it likely would be script engraved. Post 1950, it would be machine engraved.

    There are 6 Donald L Cross' in the enlistment records on NARA, so it may be hard to narrow down which one was the recipient of this medal.

    Bronze star medal engraving style

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