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Crown question.

Article about: Can anyone tell me why the Defence medal and the War Medal both depicting King George V1 has one with a crown and the other without. Many thanks Folks.

  1. #1
    hog is offline

    Default Crown question.

    Can anyone tell me why the Defence medal and the War Medal both depicting King George V1 has one with a crown and the other without.
    Many thanks Folks.

  2. #2


    Only a thought but I would suggest that because the defense medal was for issue to both military and civilian as oppsed to the war medal which was for military only the 'bare headed' bust of the king was used.

  3. #3
    hog is offline


    Sounds like a possibility, that must mean that home guard would have received the defence medal, firemen etc.

  4. #4


    Eligible civilian service in the United Kingdom included, but was not confined to, civilian services whose members were eligible for Chevrons for war service.[1]

    Civil Defence services established by a Government Department or Local Authority.
    Wardens Service, including Shelter Wardens.
    Rescue Service, including former First-Aid Party Service.
    Decontamination Service.
    Report and Control Service.
    Messenger Service.
    Ambulance Service. including Sitting Case Cars.
    First-Aid Service, including First-Aid Posts and Points, Public Cleansing Centres, Mobile Cleansing Units and the Nursing Service for public air-raid shelters.
    Local Authority Civil Defence Services.
    Rest Centre Service.
    Emergency Food Service, including the Queen's Messenger Convoy Service.
    Canteen Service.
    Emergency Information Service.
    Mortuary Service.
    National Fire Service, including service in a local authority Fire Brigade or the Auxiliary Fire Service prior to nationalisation.
    The Police, Royal Marine Police Special Reserve, Admiralty Civil Police, War Department Constabulary, Air Ministry Constabulary, Railway Police and Dock Police.
    American Ambulance, Great Britain.
    Civil Air Transport.
    Civil Defence Reserve, Kent County Civil Defence Mobile Reserve and West Sussex County Civil Defence Mobile Reserve.
    Civil Nursing Reserve.
    Civilian Technical Corps.
    Coast Guard.
    Fire Guards who performed duties under the local authorities, or at Government or business premises.
    Lighthouse keepers who served under the three Lighthouse Authorities and keepers of Light-Vessels under those authorities, who did not qualify for the 1939-1945 Star.
    Nurses in hospitals for which Government Departments or local authorities were responsible, or in the recognised Voluntary hospitals.
    Port of London Authority River Emergency Service.
    Clyde River Patrol.
    Royal Observer Corps.
    Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, whose members could qualify provided:
    They were enrolled in an eligible local authority Civil Defence Service.
    They performed duties analogous to those of one of the eligible local authority Civil Defence Services, and the section of the Women's Voluntary Services to which they belonged was one which functioned operationally during or immediately after enemy attacks.[

  5. #5


    Quote by hog View Post
    Can anyone tell me why the Defence medal and the War Medal both depicting King George V1 has one with a crown and the other without.
    Many thanks Folks.
    I think it is simply a matter of the design of two separate medals. The Coinage profile on the Defence Medal and the Crowned profile on the War Medal. As stated the Defence Medal was awarded to both military and civilian personnel on pretty much the same basis. Whilst the War Medal was mainly for military personnel there were certain groups of civilians such as war correspondants and ferry pilots in operational areas that qualified as well. Another example of the same thing is the Imperial Service Medal which is entirely a Civil Service award has been issued with both the Coinage profile and Crowned bust during George V reign, only the Crowned bust for George VI and the Tudor Crowned profile for Elizabeth II. Different designs for the same medal so different medals having different designs is probably not too strange.

    I hope this helps


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  6. #6
    hog is offline


    Thank you Gents.

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