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French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3

Article about: This is my newest medal, sorry I don't have time to write anything on it. Anyways this is a beautiful medal enjoy.

  1. #1

    Default French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3

    This is my newest medal, sorry I don't have time to write anything on it.French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3
    Anyways this is a beautiful medal enjoy.

  2. #2

    Default Re: French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3

    It is a nice medal !
    On my list, for years....!
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  3. #3

    Default Re: French Mexican capaign medal 1862/3

    Its beautiful and in my opinion the ribbon design is nicer then any ribbon ive ever seen. The problem is with this medal there are plenty of originals around but most of the ribbons you see on them are reproduction. I will take a beat up ribbon that is original any day over a repro.
    On another note during this campaign at the battle of Cameron is where the French foreign legion first gained there fame.

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