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my first usmc good conduct medal

Article about: Born August 13th, 1916 in Mooresville North Carolina. Enlisted on October 9th 1940. Served with 21st bn, headquarters company. In the beginning of 43, James, served with the 22nd marines 1st

  1. #1

    Default my first usmc good conduct medal

    Born August 13th, 1916 in Mooresville North Carolina. Enlisted on October 9th 1940. Served with 21st bn, headquarters company. In the beginning of 43, James, served with the 22nd marines 1st battalion, B company. But 3 months latter, was sent to ft. Lejeune. First casual company, Training Center. In June of thag same year, Robinson was stationed in Oklahoma with another training squad. "21st M.A.D, N.A.T.T.C", and was back to N.C by August. For the remainder of the war, he was a part of an AA battalion on base.

  2. #2


    Nice G/C/M...
    THESE NAMED/ dont see to many around...
    good much....

  3. #3


    Thanks Darren! The letter numbered ones indicate state service, a good war time issue. Sent you a pm

  4. #4


    jeez they hand these around like confetti.

  5. #5


    Nice! Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

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