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Navy Vietnam KIA Purple Heart - KIA 3 days before going home

Article about: This is a sad one. Alfred Bauer was a 21 year old Fireman in the Navy, and was killed in action when his patrol boat struck a mine in a river near Da Nang. His boat exploded and sank. He was

  1. #1

    Default Navy Vietnam KIA Purple Heart - KIA 3 days before going home

    This is a sad one. Alfred Bauer was a 21 year old Fireman in the Navy, and was killed in action when his patrol boat struck a mine in a river near Da Nang. His boat exploded and sank. He was killed on January 16, 1969 - just 3 days before he was set to go home.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Navy Vietnam KIA Purple Heart - KIA 3 days before going home  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Navy Vietnam KIA Purple Heart - KIA 3 days before going home

    war is hell...

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