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Need help restoring a WWII commander's uniform

Article about: Hello everyone, I recently posted about a WWII navy commander's jacket that I came across over the weekend. Some research yielded very unexpected results, and it showed that this guy had one

  1. #1

    Default Need help restoring a WWII commander's uniform

    Hello everyone,

    I recently posted about a WWII navy commander's jacket that I came across over the weekend. Some research yielded very unexpected results, and it showed that this guy had one heck of a military career. However, his ribbons did not come with his uniform.

    While I have located a source to acquire all of the original American 1/2" awards, I'm clueless as to where I can find a 1/2" Order of the Black Star and French Legion of Honor ribbon bar that could slide onto a mount. Would anyone be able to help me find a source or be able to spare some that they may have in their personal collection? Please let me know!!!!!!!

    Thank you all for reading,


  2. #2

    Default Re: Need help restoring a WWII commander's uniform


    Unfortunately, the source I located does not have slider ribbons or mounts to accomodate my request, so if anyone has any spare 1/2" ribbon bars (Navy Commendation, Purple Heart, WWI Victory, WWII Victory, American Theatre), those two foreign awards and a 7 place 1/2" slider mount (pinpack style) Let's work out a deal!! I'd love to be able to restore this uniform to its former glory.

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