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is there a site for this?

Article about: i hope someone can help me. To find who was presented with medals after WW2 in the british army or navy etc, how would you find out? if you have a name is there somewhere like a database to

  1. #1

    Default is there a site for this?

    i hope someone can help me. To find who was presented with medals after WW2 in the british army or navy etc, how would you find out? if you have a name is there somewhere like a database to find such information out?

  2. #2

    Default Re: is there a site for this?

    Hi Denise, basically the answer is "no". Unless the medal/s were issued for bravery. Then you can research them via the London Gazzette website.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: is there a site for this?

    If you have a name and number and are a close relative you could try writing to the ministry of defence. Records for service personnel after 1921 are effectively locked but are supposed to be becoming available in the near future. They are released to the person named, very close relatives or if you can prove the individual is deceased, no chance of libel then. There was a record on who do you think you are for a Dunkirk era veteran who was killed, the record was released to his grandson, with some pressure from the bbc as well i would imagine, the medical docs were with held.

  4. #4

    Default Re: is there a site for this?

    We do have a culture of secrecy here in the UK. It is about time things were opened up more. I have so much stuff I would love to research!

    I missed that TV programme, and I need to catch up on it via the BBC "i Player".

    Have a look here regarding research on medals and service records:

    Cheers, Ade.

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