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Unknown medal

Article about: Hello, I've no idea on this medal... Could you help me? Thanks a lot Annoyed from this ads?   Mictus

  1. #1

    Default Unknown medal

    Hello, I've no idea on this medal...
    Could you help me?
    Thanks a lot
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Unknown medal   Unknown medal  

  2. #2


    It looks vaguely masonic to me.

  3. #3


    west ham sports club?

  4. #4


    I have a feeling that it may be a school sports day medal. West Ham Secondary School? Leon.

  5. #5


    Probably for West Ham School Sports Association and probably pre-1939 as the "SS" would have probably been dropped after 1945 due to the obvious connotations...

    Beautiful quality compared with the rubbish given out today.



  6. #6


    Thank you very much for your answers!

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