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Unknown ribbon attached to a Greek navy ribbon bar

Article about: Hello to everyone. I have recently bought these 2 WW2 Greek Royal Navy ribbon bars. There is a green ribbon at the bottom of the right ribbon bar that probably is not Greek. Can anyone ident

  1. #1

    Cool Unknown ribbon attached to a Greek navy ribbon bar

    Hello to everyone.

    I have recently bought these 2 WW2 Greek Royal Navy ribbon bars.
    There is a green ribbon at the bottom of the right ribbon bar that probably is not Greek.
    Can anyone identify it; British? USA? or other country?

    Thank you in advance for your time.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Unknown ribbon attached to a  Greek navy ribbon bar  

  2. #2


    I know nothing of Greek ribbons, although what you could try to do is check out the campaign bars, see what country this man fought in and see if the ribbon is from a medal belonging to said country. A lot of British that fought in France in WW2 got a French medal. I cant remember exactly what medal it was, though. Also not sure if the same thing were for Americans but it probably was.


  3. #3



    could be British Royal Naval: Reserve / Volunteers / Long Service or Good Conduct Medal. A few decorations had same dark green ribbon. Also of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces, but Naval matches better


  4. #4


    Thank you both and sorry for my late answer.
    I will check the things you said, tend to think it might be a British ribbon but not sure 100%.

    Thanks again.


  5. #5


    Hi Stratos,
    I know this is an old thread, but have you considered the ribbon to be the Portuguese order of Aviz, knight grade?

  6. #6


    Hello sampo and thanks for the reply.
    Its an option but without other info about the man everything is possible.
    Thanks again.


  7. #7


    Another option, Federation of Allied Fighters in Europe.Unknown ribbon attached to a  Greek navy ribbon barUnknown ribbon attached to a  Greek navy ribbon bar

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