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8.8 Head Identification

Article about: Good evening everyone Hope everyone is doing well, I recently got my hands on a German WW2 8.8 AP round And i am not sure to what it belongs to, if it belongs to a particular flak or a tank.

  1. #1

    Default 8.8 Head Identification

    Good evening everyone

    Hope everyone is doing well, I recently got my hands on a German WW2 8.8 AP round
    And i am not sure to what it belongs to, if it belongs to a particular flak or a tank.
    There are some slightly worn off marking on the bottom that I believe are:
    (A bxe / waffen proof stamp And a large 22).
    Tried to do some research on google but had no luck...
    Any help on identifying this round would be very much appreciated.

    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification

    Last edited by yancachia; 07-16-2024 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2


    Firstly, it's not head! (Head men wish for). This is a projectile even an AP Shell or more accurately an 8,8 cm Panzergranatpatrone 39 for the Kw.K. 36/ Flak 41 or a Panzergranatpatrone 39-1 for the Flak 41

  3. #3


    Haha all man do, thanks for correcting me there. And thanks for the information i appreciate.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the info Teck. Sure is impressive looking to see

  5. #5


    I am more interested in the Fuze, can we see a few better pictures of that please. Oh, and a ruler or scale is useful in the pictures as size can be deceptive, (are we still on the same subject Teck?).

  6. #6


    R. I'm only seeing the base plug in the original post so..
    8.8 Head Identification
    Bottom: Baseplug with tracer
    Top: 5127 base fuze
    Middle: standardized object for comparative measurement

  7. #7


    Will you stop hording random items of Ordnance in your desk mate! I am going to come round and clear it out once and for all or issue it a 1.1 licence!!

    Oh, and get a bloody ruler.


  8. #8


    Quote by vegetius View Post
    Will you stop hording random items of Ordnance in your desk mate! I am going to come round and clear it out once and for all or issue it a 1.1 licence!!

    Oh, and get a bloody ruler.

    And he scribbles on his desk, and, and

  9. #9


    Quote by yancachia View Post
    Good evening everyone

    Hope everyone is doing well, I recently got my hands on a German WW2 8.8 AP round
    And i am not sure to what it belongs to, if it belongs to a particular flak or a tank.
    There are some slightly worn off marking on the bottom that I believe are:
    (A bxe / waffen proof stamp And a large 22).
    Tried to do some research on google but had no luck...
    Any help on identifying this round would be very much appreciated.

    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification
    8.8 Head Identification

    Hope that that rag isn't hiding a fuse...

  10. #10


    Quote by vegetius View Post
    Will you stop hording random items of Ordnance in your desk mate! I am going to come round and clear it out once and for all or issue it a 1.1 licence!!

    Oh, and get a bloody ruler.

    Several things...
    Archive photo
    That's not random it's FFE'd as an educational tool.
    It's not my desk it's the "coloring table" for new kids
    And this:
    8.8 Head Identification8.8 Head Identification8.8 Head Identification
    Is random

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