Article about: Well I thought it time to arrange my Cannonballs, they range from less than 1 pound to 64 pounds, all but a couple are solid shot, I am now trying to find Hollow ( Shrapnel or Shell Balls) C
Well I thought it time to arrange my Cannonballs, they range from less than 1 pound to 64 pounds, all but a couple are solid shot, I am now trying to find Hollow ( Shrapnel or Shell Balls) Cannonballs.
I have dug some of these myself, and as I know the battle they were used in, and have found out who had what, I can tell weather they are British or French, the 1 pounders are usually case shot, however none of this was used at the battle some of these came from, instead they had small cannon on the front of the Batteau, used by both sides, many were 1 pounders.
The rarest Cannonball is in the front row of the enclosed shelf, it is made of copper or brass, hand made.
Even the 2 Leather flying helmets are on Cannonballs...when will it end!!!! LOL
How can you tell the solid shot balls from the hollow? Just by weight or is the hollow ball plug obvious?
I only ask becasue of a story I read awhile ago where a fellow created a fireplace guard from some cannon balls and missed the fact one or two were hollow and wouldn't you know it, he fired the fireplace up, warming his balls nicley then living room and no cannonball collector.