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Bullet head identification

Article about: Afternoon all, I recently picked up a few bullet heads which I managed to identify as 1913 French Lebel rounds. Among the bullets in the group I picked up were these 2. I was told they are G

  1. #1

    Default Bullet head identification

    Afternoon all, I recently picked up a few bullet heads which I managed to identify as 1913 French Lebel rounds. Among the bullets in the group I picked up were these 2. I was told they are German from WW1. But they are different sizes. The taller one has the letters ‘TN’ or something. The shorter bullet has I think ‘DM’ on its underside.

    Can anyone id these two please?

    Thanks in advance

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    Bullet head identification  

  2. #2
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  3. #3


    (Without digital calipers) taller thinner bullet 8mm. Shorter wider bullet 8.5mm. Please note both measurements are with a ruler.

  4. #4


    The DM marked one looks like a .323 ( 8mm ) 154 grain mauser bullet,DM means Deutsche Metallpatronenfabrik .the other one ????.....Pete.

  5. #5


    Thank you Pete. Now for the other one.

  6. #6


    I have a feeling that the other bullet is a British .303, (so should measure 7.7mm). The base marks looks like KN to me which if it was on the headstamp of the cartridge case would stand for Kings Norton Metal Co. Ltd, Birmingham. I assume they made the bullets as well?

  7. #7


    Quote by Spitace41 View Post
    I have a feeling that the other bullet is a British .303, (so should measure 7.7mm). The base marks looks like KN to me which if it was on the headstamp of the cartridge case would stand for Kings Norton Metal Co. Ltd, Birmingham. I assume they made the bullets as well?
    I agree,it`s difficult to tell when measurments are a bit imprecise....Pete.

  8. #8


    Gentlemen, I’m very mpressed by your combined knowledge. It’s a nice little set I have then, a French, German and British bullet head from the Great War.

    Many thanks

    Very much appreciated


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