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Is this de-activated?

Article about: I got this from a local militaria show, I forgot to ask whether is had been de-activated when I bought it. Can I get some expert opinion on it?

  1. #11


    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes it is a medical x ray device, it does not go thru the projectile.

    I want to clarify:

    1. Do you think the shell base is empty, from the x ray image?
    2. If 1 is true, and given the fact that I was able to unscrew the fuse from the projectile and confirmed projectile is empty, do you think it is fully deactivated?

    I will follow your advice and this will be the last ordnance I collect.

  2. #12


    Yes, the item is as inert as any you will find on the market. I would not worry about it in your collection. Your future collecting I feel is safe if you take that sensible attitude.

    We have used medical Xray in the past, the results are variable. Fortunately we have spent millions on both development as well as hardwear and our stuff combined with the ability to computer process the data gives us some spectacular results. However I do aplaude the use of non-intrusive testing.

    There are a few of us here in the 'Job' and we will comment on most things like this. We will also let people know when they have over stepped the line. It is not to be nasty, or to appear superior but in an attempt to educate and help keep people safe which is something that we do on a daily basis. Most people here who know us of old realise our comments are with the best intentions and over the past years there has only once been someone who was determined to hurt himself and others, he recieved a personal visit from some colleagues in country who were astonished at his level of stupidity and dangerous action.

    Happy collecting for the future.


  3. #13


    Sorry for the late entry but I would like to add my pinch of salt about false terminology...
    Rendering safe or deactivating (a fuze) does not make it or an affixed object free from potentially dangerous or illegal substances.
    "Free From Explosives" (FFE) is a good start and professionaly cleaned objects should also be marked/certified as such (some military and police units are qualified/permitted to carry out such processes for the purpose of producing training aids which eventually through one means or another become private property)

    Point is please be careful which questions you ask a potential seller as you can only seldom know his motivation.
    What you of course really want to know is if fuzes are rendered safe and they or other items have been cleaned of potentially trouble producing substances including but by no means limited to: Explosives, potentially explosive substances, components thereof or poisonous substances.

    @R: I'm away for another 2 weeks then it's back to causing the usual mayhem


  4. #14


    I know, however I have been causing chaos in the mean time and will see you at your work in the new year for an Official visit, (inspection).


    Enjoy your holiday with the Missus!

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