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dig in Kenfig pool, finds HELP

Article about: after metal detecting up to my waist, we came across hundreds of these canisters, any idea what they were used for, they have NO markings and are the size of a beer can, but heavier. Perhaps

  1. #1

    Default dig in Kenfig pool, finds HELP

    after metal detecting up to my waist, we came across hundreds of these canisters, any idea what they were used for, they have NO markings and are the size of a beer can, but heavier. Perhaps a mortar round canister for packing them in??
    dig in Kenfig pool, finds HELP
    dig in Kenfig pool, finds HELP
    the site was a WW2 American winter tented camp in 1942, and all items were found along side many many morter rounds, some live which have been disposed of

  2. #2


    I worked on an excavtion at Kenfig last year and we found some pistol and rifle ammo, all blanks, some of it unfired. Not that this answers your question.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  3. #3


    They look like the storage tins for smoke grenades

  4. #4


    They look like Grenade tins to me also.

    Dean O

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