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Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade

Article about: This is a rare soviet rifle grenade, mostly used in the Finnish winter war 1939-40 and pre 1942 year. Very complex system was not produced after 1941 year due of saving the costs to military

  1. #1

    Default Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade

    This is a rare soviet rifle grenade, mostly used in the Finnish winter war 1939-40 and pre 1942 year. Very complex system was not produced after 1941 year due of saving the costs to military expences, and not reach a wide practical use. Grey/blue head of the grenade is show the type of expolosive inside of grenade, in that case this is ammotol- TNT mixed with ammonium nitrate.
    The grenade itself has left side ( to open - turn right)screwback, by deactivating the grenade the liower part must be fixed, if not, then the fuse will be damaged due of screwing and will then explode. after lower screw is removed and lower part is take down, the fuse must be removed by turning it to the left side. The grenade itself must be opened in the part where the place for fuse, usually there a cooper tube which is placed with alloy to the body. Remove alloy with knife, then carefully remove the cooper pipe ( in other case this will go inside of body and you can't remove it) the explosive is just like a sand, easily removed, then clean it with nitro dissolver fluid inside, to be sure that all of the rest of explosive not in the head. Then place back the cooper pipe/tube back, if you want to make it professionally- place alloy as it was made before
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade   Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade  

    Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade   Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade  

    Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade   Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade  


    my Skype: warrelics

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dyakonov fragmentation rifle grenade

    Excellent example Dimas. Very rare complete condition.

    Regards, Steve

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