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German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE

Article about: GERMAN MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS: As Used in WW2 Al. Aluminum indicates inclusion of a granular aluminum flash composition in filling of shell Az. or A.Z. Aufschlagzünder percussion fuze B Büsc

  1. #1

    Default German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE


    Al. Aluminum indicates inclusion of a granular aluminum flash composition in filling of shell
    Az. or A.Z. Aufschlagzünder percussion fuze
    B Büsche rifle
    Bd. Z Bodenzünder base percussion fuze; base detonator fuze
    B. Patr. Patrone mit Beobachtungs Geschoss an observation bullet containing a smoke producer and explosive
    D Dauerfeuer sustained fire
    Digl. Diglykolnitrat diglycolnitrate
    Digl. Bl. P. Diglykolnitrat Blattchen Pulver. diglycolnitrate flaked powder
    Dopp. Z. (S/60) Doppelzünder (60 Sek. unden Brennlänge) combination fuze (60 seconds burning time)
    D.Z. Druckzünder pressure fuse, pressure igniter
    E Ersatzstücke spare parts, replacements
    Ex. Exerzier dummy (used to indicate dummy or practice ammunition)
    F Feuer fire
    Flak Flugabwehrkanone antiaircraft gun
    Geb. Gebirgs- mountain
    Gesch Geschoss projectile, bullet
    Gew. Gewehr rifle
    Gr. Patr. Hl - Granate Patrone Hohlladung- hollow charge (AP) shell (the third standard type of large-caliber projectile, along with Sprgr. and Pzgr.)
    H. or 'H gehärtet hardened (tungsten carbide core)
    I. G. Infanteriegeschütz infantry gun
    Igr. Infanteriegranate infantry grenade
    I.Gr.Z. (s.I.Gr.Z.) Infanteriegranatz zünder (schwerer Infanteriegranatz zünder) infantry grenade fuze (heavy infantry grenade fuze)
    i.L. in Ladestreifen in clips (rifle)
    k kurz short
    Kar. Karbiner carbine
    Kar. 98B Karbiner 98B carbine 98B
    Kar. 98K Karbiner 98 kurz short carbine 98
    Kart. Kartatsche case shot; canister shot (semi-fixed ammunition)
    Kart. Kartusche cartridge
    L. Lieferung delivery
    L Ladung charge, propelling charge, load
    l.F.H. leichte Feldhaubitze light field howitzer
    l.Geb.I.G. leichtes Gebirgsinfanteriegeschütz light mountain infantry howitzer
    l.Gr.W leichter Granatwerfer light mortar
    l.I.G. leichtes Infanteriegeschütz light infantry gun (howitzer)
    l.S. leichtes Spitzgeschoss light weight, pointed bullet
    m Meter meter
    M Mark, Modell model
    M.G. Maschinengewehr machine gun
    Mod. Modell pattern, model
    M.P. Maschinenpistole machine pistol, submachine gun
    m.V. mit Verzögerung with delay action (fuze)
    N Nebel smoke, fog (used to designate gas as well as smoke)
    n.A. neuer Art new type
    Nb. Nebel smoke, fog
    Ngl. Nitroglyzerin nitroglycerine
    Ngl.Bl.P. Nitroglyzerin-Blättchenpulver nitroglycerine, flaked powder
    Nz. Nitrozellulose nitrocellulose
    Nz.Gew.Bl.P. Nitrozellulose Gewehr Blättchenpulver nitrocellulose rifle powder (flaked)
    o.L. ohne Ladestreifen without clips; not in clips
    o.V. ohne Verzögerung without delay, instantaneous
    P. Pulver powder
    Pak Panzerabwehrkanone antitank gun
    Patr. Patrone cartridge; semi-fixed shell; round of ammunition
    Patrh.S. Patronenhülse-Stahl brass cartridge case
    Patr. l.S. Patrone leichtes Spitzgeschoss light, pointed ball ammunition with core of aluminum
    Patr. P.m.K. Patrone Phospor mit Stahlkern incendiary armor-piercing cartridge with steel core
    Patr. S.m.E. Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Eisenkern steel-core, pointed bullet cartridge with iron or mild
    Patr. S.m.K. Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern cartridge with steel-core, pointed bullet
    Patr. S.m.K.H. Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern gehärtet cartridge with pointed armor-piercing (tungsten carbide core) bullet
    Patr. S.m.K. L'Spur Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern und Leuchtspur cartridge with pointed armor-piercing bullet and tracer
    Patr. s.S. Patrone schweres Spitzgeschoss heavy, pointed ball ammunition
    Patr. s.S. L'Spur Patrone schweres Spitzgeschoss mit Leuchtspur cartridge with heavy tracer bullet
    Patr. 318 S.m.K. Patrone 318 Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern cartridge 318, bullet with steel core
    Patr. 318 S.m.K.(H) Patrone 318 Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern gehärtet cartridge 318, bullet with hardened steel core
    Patr. 318 (P) Patronen 318 Polnisch Polish cartridge No. 318
    Pist. Pistole pistol
    Pist. Patr. Pistolpatrone pistol cartridge
    Pz. Panzer armor, armor-plate
    Pz.B. Panzerbüchse antitank rifle
    Pzgr. Panzergranate armor-piercing shell
    Rbl.F. Rundblickfernrohr panoramic sight
    Rdf. Rheindorf an arsenal
    Rh Rheinmetal arms manufacturing company
    Rs. Reizstoff irritant gas
    s. schwerer heavy, medium (artillery)
    S sicher safe
    S* manufacturer's mark for brass cartridge case (72% copper and 28% zinc)
    S 274, 222, etc. manufacturer's mark for a type of alloy
    s.F.H. schwere Feldhaubitze heavy (medium) field howitzer
    s.Gr.W. schwerer Granatenwerfer heavy mortar
    s.I.G. schweres Infanteriegeschütz heavy infantry gun (howitzer)
    S.Inf.G. schweres Infanteriegeschütz heavy infantry gun (howitzer)
    S.K. Schnellfeuerkanone rapid-fire cannon
    S.K.D. Selve-Kornbegel-Dornheim, A. G. small-arms ammunition factory
    S.m.K. Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern pointed bullet with steel core
    S.m.K.(H) Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern gehärtet super armor-piercing bullet with hardened steel core
    S.m.K. L'Spur Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern und Leuchtspur pointed bullet with steel core and tracer effect
    Spgr. Sprenggranate high-explosive shell
    Spr. Spreng- explosive
    St. Stahl mark for steel cartridge
    Ub. Ubungsmunition practice ammunition
    Wgr. Werfergranate mortar shell
    Wgr.Z. Werfergranatzunder mortar shell fuze
    Z. Zunder fuze
    Zdlg. Zundladung primer charge
    Zdh:88 Zundhütchen 88 primer capsule 88

    "As long as there are brave men and warriors the halls of Valhalla will never be silent or empty"

    In memory of my father William T. Grist December 26, 1920--September 10, 2009..
    901st. Ordnance H.A.M. North Africa, Italy, Southern France....ETO
    Also in memory of my mother Jane Kidd Grist Feb. 22, 1920-- September 27, 2009... WWll War bride May 1942...

  2. #2

    Default Re: German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE

    That is a really useful post. It might be worth pinning the thread Bill.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE

    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    That is a really useful post. It might be worth pinning the thread Bill.

    Cheers, Ade.
    I echo that Ade, a thread well worth pinning

  4. #4

    Default Re: German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE

    Thanks Bill,

    This knowledge is almost lost now. Were it not for dedicated custidians of history like you, it would truely be lost.
    When we were kids, for those of us who were interested, this was common knowledge. Not now.
    Sorry for being a stranger on the board. I hope to be able to share more often.
    Busy setting up business. Now have a small arms training school set up here in Arizona. Hope to be doing CCW classes in Sep., and more advanced training to come. It is truely good to be back home and to be able to work out with my weapons again!
    Ade, thank you for a decent and enjoyable website. As you know, I was finally "WAFED" out. Hopefully when I get back home to Germany I might be able to jump the channel and attend one of your re-enactments. The first pint is on me!
    Best regards to all,



  5. #5

    Default Re: German Abbreviations pertaining to ORDNANCE

    Zundladung is nothing to do with a primer. It is a fuze gaine that sits below the fuze and serves as the initiator of the explosive charge of the shell. In other words, the fuze functions, and it's explosive power is increased by the gaine.

  6. #6


    You could also add kwk to the list as found marked on Tank ammo

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