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Japanese t99 magnetic charge...

Article about: Hello I would like to know the right measures of inner charge , to reproduce a wood one . All info I have found are about the external measures. If someone , who has an US training set , or

  1. #1

    Default Japanese t99 magnetic charge...


    I would like to know the right measures of inner charge , to reproduce a wood one . All info I have found are about the external measures.
    If someone , who has an US training set , or other , that can help me .
    Thanks in advance.Japanese t99 magnetic charge...

  2. #2


    I hope someone can help you on this!! If so, they would be helping me also.

    Good Luck,


  3. #3


    I have the manuals for this at work. I will look if they have individual charge detail but they will have all the fuze functioning detail as well as the normal Tech Spec. It will be Monday earliest as I am busy with core EOD stuff until then and again from Tuesday onwards.

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