Nice find, andysod........
A No 5 is always exciting...
Better Pics as promised, thanks for reply COLT1911A1
Very nice...andysod...
I have a No 36 F.W. (Frost & Woods) Canadian, sectioned, that i'ii try to upload pictures...
Nice No. 5..........!
Here's a sectioned F.W. (Canadian) No.36M Mk I, Mills, i was given by an ex-UDT instructor. It was a bit of messed-up, so i had to make it presentable by adding yellow putty for Baratol and make-shift striker, filling screw, igniter & detonator. All the other parts are original. It was painted light green, so i painted the body to as close to original as possible. Enjoy...Thanos.
P.S. I'm sorry for the out of focus photos.
Very nice Thanos, Ive just bought a repro igniter and detonator from a guy on ebay, got to love ww2 gear, Andy
Very visually effective piece-good work Thanos.
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