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No.5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb

Article about: I just picked up this deactivated No.5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb. Does it look correct? Seems unusual to me that there is no writing on the base cap.

  1. #1

    Default No.5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb

    Has anyone seen a completely unmarked base cap for a No.5 Mk.1 Mills before? This deactivated example seems to have one.

    No.5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb
    No.5 Mk.1 Mills Bomb
    Last edited by Hallibag; 04-06-2024 at 02:53 PM.

  2. #2


    The base plug was stamped at production with type and date. Simply looking at the base isn't going to solve your question or remove doubt as to authenticity (maybe some overzealous person ground it down). I'm guessing the ZAMAK base was destroyed with a pipe wrench (as is often the case when they've oxidised) in order to FFE it and thought they'd get away with turning a new one instead of buying a replacement in brass

  3. #3


    A new base plug definitely. What is the filling plug made of? Normally they are the same material so if it is brass then it is another bit of confirmation.

  4. #4


    Filler plug is different, looks like brass. Thanks, Vegetius.

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